網頁(UTF-8) 於 瀏覽器 出現亂碼解法 - Tsung's Blog 我來幫Tsung大回答一下XD!回shumi桑,那是因為BOM的關係 如果你不知道什麼是BOM的話,可以看一下這篇小弟寫的文章= /=(羞) http://liaosankai.pixnet.net/blog/post/24178179 http://doublekai.org/blog/?p=617 有附上BOM的介紹連結與非正式的解決方式(最好的 ...
PHP: mysql_set_charset - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor I just hope that the text below will help someone who is struggling with charset encoding, specially when php-charset is different from the mysql-charset. Let me add that I really think that the php man-pages on the mysql-functions are lacking a lot of de
php - SET NAMES utf8 in MySQL? - Stack Overflow I often see something similar to this below in PHP scripts using MySQL query("SET NAMES utf8"); I have never had to do this for any project yet so I have a couple basic ...
MySQL Bugs: #10195: LOAD DATA INFILE and UTF-8 The following works for me on Windows MySql 4.1.8-nt and is far less drastic than dropping and rebuilding your database. Before executing the LOAD DATA INFILE-command set the following variable (assuming you want to import an UTF-8 character set file): SE
MySQL的中文UTF8亂碼問題_Mysql_腳本之家 MySQL從4.x版本開始支持Unicode,3.x只有latin1編碼。剛工作的時候就開始用MySQL了,用的php存取,網頁xxx.php是gb2312的編碼,存進去的數據用php取出來是中文,用phpMyAdmin執行select、update、dump都是中文,沒有亂碼問題。
mysql charset utf 8 php - 相關部落格
MySQL Charset/Collate - Rick's MySQL Documents The 'missing' characters in the above table: 129 141 reverse line feed 143 144 157 173 shows when breaking across lines Soft Hyphen Turkish The columns: utf8, unicode codepoint decimal, hex, HTML entity, 'name': C387 ...
MySQL :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 10.1.10 Unicode Support if you get data via php from your mysql-db (everything utf-8) but still get '?' for some special characters in your browser (), try this: after mysql_connect() , and mysql_select_db() add this lines:
MySQL :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 10.1.5 Configuring the Character Set and Collation for Applic Wow, skip-character-set-client-handshake saved my day! Old MySQL4.1 setup users had the habit to do "odd" things (having latin2 table but storing utf8 in it, not specifying charset encoding from PHP on the connection etc). I had long hours to solve the pr
Converting your MySQL database to UTF8 - MoodleDocs This document describes how to convert your MySQL database from the latin1 charset to UTF8. Moodle requires that your Database is now UTF8 and will not upgrade if your database is not. For more information about UTF8 have a look at the doc on unicode.