MultiMAN的"遊戲放在哪裡"問題:搜索路徑參數設置 - 【 PS3 應用軟體特區 】New! - TVGZone 遊戲特區 為玩家詳細解答MultiMAN的“遊戲放在哪裡”問題:搜索路徑參數設置 一些新手朋友可能不知道multiMAN安裝後backup遊戲的路徑,那麼本文就來為你詳細解答這個問題,並告訴你MultiMAN的搜索路徑及參數設置,代碼中都進行了詳細的中文注釋,希望能夠對廣大PS3 ...
multiMAN - multifunctional tool for your PS3 (Game manager/File manager/FTP/AVCHD/BDMV) prompt when user leaves multiMAN with active FTP connections * Added: Screensaver Timeout option in ... ELEMENTS # ##### ##### # show or hide the device list/ip address (1 _separator=1 # device list and separator Y offset (0 - 1079) device ...
multiMAN v04.60.00 by deank - PS3 Brewology - PS3 PSP WII XBOX - Homebrew News, Saved Games, Downloa is essential to this manager due to it's multifunctional tools. multiMAN does more then just backup games ...
Multiman | PS3Hax Network - Playstation 3 (PS3) Hacking and Modding Community - PS3 Hacks, Added new feature , PIC1.PNG support (PS3 ISO games backgrounds ) now you can install your PIC1.PNG under the folder PIC1s, ... The new update now picks up the newer COBRA7 firmwares and various ISO improvements: multiMAN ver 04.53.02 BASE ...
multiMAN v04.60.00 (20140712) » Brewology - PS3 PSP WII XBOX - Homebrew News, Saved Games, Downloads You brought to us the best program to ps3 and honestly without MultiMan Ps3 isn’t worth hacking. Thank you Dean once again! PS: ... How do I load the covers for PS3 ISO format now? all ISOs are appearing without cover, only disc icon…. November 24th ...
如何将网上下载的游戏拷贝到PS3硬盘?_PS游戏机_数码_阿邦网 PS3 4.30自制系统掀起了自制系统玩家们游玩PS3免费下载游戏的高潮,不过最新 版游戏引导软件multiMAN为英文、并且拷贝游戏存在一些按键命令,所以很多玩家 ...
How to Install a PS3 Game Using Multiman | eHow Multiman is a program for PlayStation 3, created by independent third-party developer Dean Kasabow. This type of software is also known as a homebrew. Multiman boasts a number of features, such as file manager, media player, Web browser, FTP server, emula
MultiMAN v04.66.05 Base CEX PS3 Game Manager, WebMAN v1.32 Out - Page 1 - PS3 NEWS - PS4 NEWS - Play Following up on MultiMAN v04.66.04 and PS3 developer aldostools' WebMAN Mod 1.31.01 Updater, today PlayStation 3 developer deank updated to MultiMAN v04.66.05 Base CEX PS3 Game Manager alongside an official WebMAN v1.32 update with details below ...
MultiMAN v04.55.00 PS3 Backup Game Manager by Deank Updated - Page 1 - PS3 NEWS - PS4 NEWS - PlaySta Following up on the previous update, today PlayStation 3 developer deank has updated multiMAN PS3 backup game manager to version 04.55.00 (20140208) with the changes below. ... Now my mate has seem to do a number of things to multiman in the last few ...
How to Join & Split With MultiMAN | eHow MultiMAN is a homebrew for PS3 used to manage games and back up data on your PS3. Furthermore, it can check for game updates and act as a Web browser, used to download game demos. PlayStation 3 recognizes only FAT32-formatted external storage devices, and