MP3Gain Downloads MP3Gain - A free automatic mp3 volume normalizer ... Downloads AACGain support: You will also need to download AACGain, rename it to "mp3gain.exe", and put it in the MP3Gain folder after installation.
MP3Gain 1.3.4 Beta:軟體王-軟體資訊網站 您電腦中的 MP3 音樂,每一首的標準音量好像都不一樣嗎?MP3Gain 可以調整、分析 MP3 音樂檔的標準音量,讓您在欣賞整張專輯的音樂時,聲音不會忽大忽小!
【下載】: mp3gain繁體中文版 - yam天空部落 mp3gain繁體中文版免安裝 【軟體名稱】:mp3gain繁體中文版【軟體簡介】:MP3Gain 批次統一調整mp3的音量 【軟體語系】:mp3gain繁體中文免安裝版【軟體說明】:...
MP3Gain 1.3.4 Beta 免安裝中文版 - 讓每一首MP3音樂音量一樣大 - 阿榮福利味 - 免費軟體下載 MP3Gain analyzes and losslessly adjusts mp3 files to a specified target volume. It does not simply do peak amplitude normalization. Instead, it performs statistical analysis to determine how loud the file actually sounds to the human ear. 下載連結→ ...
MP3Gain 1.2.5:軟體王-軟體資訊網站 MP3Gain 1.3.4 Beta MP3 工具 多國語言 Windows(含XP) >>觀看更多相關軟體 Copyright©2012 Jan. 紅太陽資訊股份有限公司版權所有 (Web 2.0) Homepage: ...
MP3Gain Tired of reaching for your volume knob every time your mp3 player changes to a new song? MP3Gain analyzes and adjusts mp3 files so that they have the same ...
MP3Gain 1.3.5 繁體中文 Portable 免安裝 mp3音量把快速放大.縮小 @ GDaily :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: MP3Gain 1.3.5 繁體中文 Portable 免安裝 mp3音量把快速放大. 縮小 Language :Multiple languages (Taiwan 繁體中文) Size :1.35MB MP3Gain(MP3調音器 )是一個非常優秀的免費的MP3音量平衡調整軟件,能對MP3文件進行音軌分析和專輯對比 ...
MP3Gain Downloads - SourceForge MP3Gain - A free automatic mp3 volume normalizer. ... mp3gain-win-1_2_5.exe, Normal MP3Gain install for version 1.2.5. This is what most people will want to ...
統一MP3音樂檔音量大小的免費工具-- MP3Gain 1.3.4 簡繁體中文免 ... 2012年1月8日 ... 執行介面軟體摘要軟體名稱:MP3Gain原創作者:Glen Sawyer最新版本:Ver. ... MP3Gain 的預設語系為「英文」,若要切換成繁體或簡體中文可先 ...
MP3Gain | Free Audio & Video software downloads at SourceForge ... 9 May 2013 ... MP3Gain analyzes and losslessly adjusts mp3 files to a specified target volume. It does ... Download Small correction to 1.5.2 in the unix ma…