Ancient - Stargate Wiki Ancients or The Ancients, also known as Ancestors/The Ancestors, Lanteans, and Gate Builders, or... ... Healing power of near ascended beings at work "In fact, they were first. We're the second evolution of this form." —Carson Beckett Over the tens of mil
Crows are as intelligent as CHILDREN: Study reveals birds have same intelligence as a seven-year-old Crows have a reasoning ability rivalling that of a human seven-year-old, research has shown. Scientists came to the conclusion after subjecting six wild New Caledonian crows to a battery of tests designed to challenge their understanding of cause and effe
Intelligence and magic damage | Mortal Online Forums It's damage cap is raised whenever intelligence surpases ~100. ... only it gets lower and higher as the amount changes. the picture is dead on tho huge boost past 115.
Opkan's Comprehensive Magic Guide | Mortal Online Forums Intelligence: Provides Max Mana, Passive Mana Regeneration, Spell Resistance and Magic Damage ... 30 in Armor Training) to boost my Equipment weight from 4 to 6.
Character Skills – Mortal Online Primary Attributes are attributes such as Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, etc. These are ... Also, improving an attribute will give every skill based on that attribute a small boost. However ...
what is the best way to raise dexterity? | Mortal Online Forums I have been trying to increase my dexterity put I cant seem to get a grip on what ...
Magic guide ver .01 | Page 5 | Mortal Online Forums Attributes are another story, spurt does not seem to want to raise intelligence very ...
All about Attributes | Mortal Online Forums Cronite Lore will raise INT, but it won't be fast at all compared to, say, lore gains from chopping wood. ... you gain lores as well from that now you also gain Intelligence.
Fast, fit, or Fat >> Mages and Tamers | Mortal Online Forums Finally you could go the other direction, and get to various scales of Fat, in order to boost your int ... Essentially your two options for intelligence are 50/60 or past 110.
WTF! There's no mage guide? How do I raise intelligence? | UO ... Okay, seriously, I am getting so frustrated.No one on IRC is responding to my questions ...