CAD Monkey I don’t know what it is about the moon, but I could stare at it for ages. I’d setup my telescope and before I knew it, hours had passed. I managed to smash my telescope by dropping it unfortunately and haven’t got around to getting a new one yet. Thankful
The Netflix Tech Blog: Chaos Monkey Released Into The Wild The default instance groupings that Chaos uses for selection is Amazon's Auto Scaling Group (ASG). Within an ASG, Chaos Monkey will select an instance at random and terminate it. The ASG should detect the instance termination and automatically bring up a
Blog | Monkey Bar Storage Garage Sale Tips and Planning Checklist Kenady Ghent, 03/13/2015 Spring is just around the corner, and that usually means two things for homeowners. One, it’s time to start Spring cleaning, and two it is time get rid of all the unwanted items found during
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