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MILLIPORE MILLIPORE 符合標準聲明 歐盟EC 規範 規範 89/336/CEE 規範 73/23/CEE Simplicity 上文所述的Simplicity 系統在法國的Millipore SAS - 67120 Molsheim 製造,該工廠的品質管制體系獲 得授權認證機構認證,符合ISO9001 品質體系標準。
Millipore - Biomanufacturing and Life Science Research Advancing Life Science Together - Bioscience research, Biopharmaceutical manufacturing - Millipore broad range of Life Science tools, technologies, and services make it possible for us to create personalized solutions to industry challenges and assure sci
Films濾膜 - 穗滿企業股份有限公司Bright Glory Technology Inc. Films Films濾膜 MILLIPORE公司的每盒濾膜中都附有品質保證書。用在進行細菌檢測的濾膜,主要分為兩大類: HA-0.45µm,用於大腸菌檢測 HC-0.7µm,用於糞便大腸菌檢測 訂購 ...