Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, 2014 Moon Cake Day Held on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, the Mid-Autumn Festival also Moon Cake Festival ... Mid-Autumn Festival is an inherited custom of moon sacrificial ceremonies. ... Andrew, there aren't many taboos during the Mid Autumn Festival.
Mid-Autumn Festival in China - Time and Date Wed, Oct 3, 1990, Mid-Autumn Festival, Observance. Sun, Sep 22, 1991 ... Wed, Sep 22, 2010, Mid-Autumn Festival, National holiday. Mon, Sep 12, 2011 ...
Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese Moon Festival, 2014 Zhong qiu jie in ... Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival is traditionally celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month ... Greetings: The simplest is "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival" (中秋快乐).
English Campus - Legendary Mid-Autumn Festival About Mid-Autumn Festival
Mid-Autumn Festival Stories - China Highlights There are many interesting stories explaining the origin of the festival. Read below some most widespread stories about Mid-autumn Festival.
中秋節 | 香港旅遊發展局 - Discover Hong Kong - Official Travel Guide from the Hong Kong 傳統中秋,亮出新意!賞綵燈、舞火龍、吃月餅,香港的中秋節慶讓您從不朽的傳統中,體驗道地文化豐沛的生命力。 ... 中秋節在香港,您會發現時尚都會和傳統節慶奇妙融合,處處充滿驚喜!璀璨夜色,與綵燈會的花燈相輝映;繁華鬧市裡,有逾百年 ...
中秋節 (歡喜台灣節系列) Mid-Autumn Festival - YouTube 【詞曲】劉美蓮 【管絃編曲&指揮】林家慶 【管絃高手錄音】吳庭毓、賴三洋、杜淑倩、羅苑綺、蘇莉莉、吳世傑、 韓慧雲、朱玫玲、安德石、陳雅詩、陳仁智、譚正.....等人 【演唱】金澎、郭香蘭、江欣子及兒童合唱團 【版權】台北音樂教育 ...
Mid-Autumn Festival - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Mid-Autumn Festival is a harvest festival celebrated by ethnic Chinese and Vietnamese peoples.[1][2] The festival is held on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Chinese Han calendar and Vietnamese calendar (within 15 days of the autumnal equinox),
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Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival Dates in 2014, 2015, 2016 and More The Mid-autumn festival is held on 15th day of the 8th month in the Chinese calendar, which is in Sep. or early Oct. in the Gregorian calendar.