Microsoft Arc Touch Bluetooth 滑鼠 若要自訂Arc Touch Bluetooth 滑鼠在裝置上的使用設定,請下載Arc Touch Bluetooth Mouse 設定應用程式 ...
Arc Touch – 微軟 Arc Touch Mouse 開箱,可折疊彎曲好收納的藍牙無線滑鼠 | 電腦王阿達的3C胡言亂語 Arc Touch-說到「滑鼠」相信幾乎每個人每天大都會使用到,但是在筆記型電腦的環境下,通常改用筆電上的觸控板,但如果想要使用得更順手更有效率的話,有些人最後還是會選擇外接無線滑鼠,所以選擇一個好用的無線滑鼠相當重要。之前阿達在微軟 ...
微軟Arc Touch 藍牙滑鼠評測 - Engadget 中文版 2014年11月8日 - 微軟的Arc Touch 滑鼠也出了好多代了,但直到今年,才終於升級到了不用接收器的藍牙版本。先是Surface 專屬,之後在九月時又加推了灰色的普通 ...
軟體下載: Microsoft Arc Touch Bluetooth 滑鼠 Microsoft 裝置需要的軟體、驅動程式、手冊及其他。 ... 安裝Arc Touch Bluetooth 滑鼠的設定應用程式 ... 步驟3: 在搜尋方塊中,輸入Arc Touch Bluetooth 滑鼠設定
Microsoft Arc Wireless Mouse | Microsoft Hardware The revolutionary design of the Arc wireless mouse combines the comfort of a desktop mouse and the portability of a notebook mouse as it can fold to 60% of its size.
Microsoft Arc Mouse and Bluetooth - Microsoft Community Had this question Me Too 13 Question Tim_LIVID asked on February 24, 2011 | 13273 views Microsoft Arc Mouse and Bluetooth Hello This could be a simple question to answer. I love the style of the Arc mouse but want to use the native Bluetooth ...
Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse (Black) review - CNET Microsoft's new Arc Touch Mouse features a travel-friendly design and some clever technical additions to its touch-sensitive scroll tab. Neither of those features makes it better than a full-size desktop mouse, but the Arc Touch Mouse is different enough
Microsoft ARC Mouse review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news Microsoft's Arc mouse is almost as functional as its form is pleasing. The travel-friendly features make perfect sense, and in general, it's a serviceable mouse for Macs and PCs. Only a few minor design issues hold it back. - Page 1
How to Troubleshoot a Microsoft ARC Mouse | eHow Install the provided drivers. Although the Microsoft ARC mouse is plug-n-play (meaning no drivers are required), you may need to install this information if running an older computer (Windows 98 and earlier). Insert the driver installation CD, double-clic