Stream AirPlay Videos to Windows with a Windows Media Center Plug-In Windows: We've shared a few plugins to make your entire home AirPlay-compatible, but if you're a Windows Media Center user, this plugin will help you stream videos and photos right to your Windows desktop or home theater PC. You can contact Whitson Gordon
Stream Videos From iPhone, iPad, iPod touch To Windows Media Center via AirPlay | Redmond Pie A new Windows Media Centre plugin brings the flexibility of Apple's AirPlay video and audio streaming to the world of Microsoft's take on the set top box.
用WINDOWS 7 MEDIA CENTER享受AIRPLAY (第1頁) - iPhone 軟體- Mobile01 將下載的兩個程式"Apple Bonjour service"及"AirPlay for Windows Media Center addin"安裝在你的WINDOWS 7 MCE電腦上,安裝基本上都是"下 ...
android airplay app 軟體 AppleTV AirPlay Media Player - 免費軟體下載 標籤: android airplay app android airplay pps apple tv airplay media player apk 下一則文章 星巴克買一送一 2013 活動日期 上一則文章 megaupload復活 改名MEGA再戰免空服務 也許您也喜歡這些文章... 0 臉書,優酷,土豆網影片下載器 CatchV ...
小米盒子 1.3.18 版韌體正式支援 AirPlay 鏡像輸出 | 傳說中的挨踢部門 2.0 其實之前在『Miracast 選購指南 Apple TV、HTC Media Link HD、Samsung AllShareCast、Actiontec ScreenBeam、 ...
讓Windows嚐嚐蘋果Airplay的滋味 - Engadget 中文版 2011年5月25日 ... 操作上幾乎與AppleTV一樣,播放時如果Windows Media Center Player 有開,iOS 裝置會透過Bonjour ...
Review: Airplay for Windows Media Center | The Digital A few weeks ago I wrote about an Airplay addin for Windows Media Center that made it possible to send video to Windows Media Center from an iOS device, the addin was a little rough around the edges but it worked. Now there is a new addin from another ...
AirPlay for Windows Media Center - YouTube First look at an AirPlay client for Windows Media Center which lets you stream photos and videos from an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad to a PC running Windows Media Center sofware.
AirPlay for Windows Media Center - YouTube AirPlay for Windows Media Center -- Beta 1 from Thomas Pleasance. My Review: Download from:
AirPlay for Windows Media Center beta now available | TUAW: Apple news, reviews and how-tos since 20 Thomas Pleasance has released a beta of AirPlay for Windows Media Center, which does just what you think: it streams video and photos to a Windows Media Center PC via Apple's AirPlay. To get started, install Apple's Bonjour for Windows and Pleasance's cli