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Mazda6 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Mazda6 or Mazda 6 (known as the Mazda Atenza in China and Japan) is a large family car produced by the Japanese car manufacturer Mazda since 2002, now in its third generation. It replaced the long-serving Mazda 626 (sold in Japan as the Capella) which
Mazda 6 : Review, Specification, Price | CarAdvice Real advice for Mazda 6 car buyers including reviews, news, price, specifications, galleries and videos. ... It's comparison round three for the new Holden Commodore. After proving superior to its six-cylinder arch rival in round one, and in V8 specificat
Mazda 6 Review | Autocar - Autocar | First for car news and car reviews Autocar review the Mazda 6 - the most detailed review available online covering performance, ride and handling, design, interior and economy. ... The Mazda 6 has long been considered a worthy but uninspiring mid-sized saloon or estate – but no longer, bec
Mazda 6 | Euro NCAP - For safer cars crash test safety rating 2009 - Euro NCAP - The Official Site of the European New Car Assessment Programme ... Adult occupant In the frontal impact, the passenger compartment remained stable despite some separation of the facia cross-beam from the A-pillar.
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馬自達6 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 馬自達6乃日本馬自達汽車公司於2002年推出的中型四門轎車與五門旅行車車款, 日本市場 ..... 2012年- 大改款的第三代馬自達6(原廠代號GJ)四門轎車型在8月29日 舉行的 ... 同年11月13日RJC年度風雲車將2014年度國產風雲車頒給第三代馬自達6 , ...