MAXIM INC. Warning light, Light bar, Tower light, Siren alarm, Signal light, strobe beacon, 明誼公司, 文明 warning light, siren alarm, strobe beacon, light bar, 警示燈, 警報器, 喊話器, 訊號燈
Maxim Integrated 經銷商 | DigiKey - Digi-Key公司 | 電子元件經銷商 | 臺灣主頁 Maxim Integrated 自 1983 年以來開發並銷售了超過 5,000 種 IC - 比那時的任何其他類比半導體公司都多。這些產品中有 80% 以上是由該公司的設計工程師所發明的。
Maxim (magazine) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Maxim is an international men's magazine targeted at adult males and based in New York, and prominent for its cheesecake pictorials of actresses, singers, and female models whose careers are at its current peak. ...