簡介MATLAB 矩陣各元素取log10( ). log10(a). 2為底. 矩陣各元素取log2( ). log2(a). 餘數. rem(-7, 3)=-1. mod(-7,3)= 2. rem(x,y). mod(x,y). MATLAB 複數及三角函數. 三角函數.
BCC-16 (in Chinese) 計算機概論十六講 Matlab -- Scientific Notation 當 Matlab 要顯示一個不太大或不太小 (指絕對值而言) 的數, 他顯示到小數點下第四位,而將小數點下第五位四捨五入。例如 1 / 3 計算結果是 0.3333,那是小數點下第五位捨去的結果。但是 1 / ...
Absolute value and complex magnitude - MATLAB abs This MATLAB function returns the absolute value of each element in array X. ... Examples expand all Absolute Value of Scalar y = abs(-5) y = 5 Absolute Value of Vector Create a numeric vector of real values. x = [1.3 -3.56 8.23 -5 -0.01]'
Absolute value (magnitude) - MATLAB abs - MathWorks - MATLAB and Simulink for Technical Computing abs is a MATLAB function. ... © 1994-2015 The MathWorks, Inc. United States Site Help Patents Trademarks Privacy Policy Preventing Piracy
MATLAB Tutorial - Mathematics and Computer Science | College of the Holy Cross 1 Introduction MATLAB, which stands for Matrix Laboratory, is a very powerful program for performing numerical and symbolic calculations, and is widely used in science and engineering, as well as in mathematics. This tutorial is designed to provide the re
用MATLAB怎么求绝对值- 常用软件- MATLAB中文论坛- Powered by Discuz! 请问怎么用MATLAB怎么求绝对值?? 用MATLAB怎么求绝对值,MATLAB中文论坛 .
[問題] 請問如何轉成正數- 看板MATLAB - 批踢踢實業坊 看板MATLAB. 標題[問題] 請問 ... 對對~ 就是取絕對值的意思XD 09/07 19:22. → Cinkot:哈哈太久沒碰math竟然忘記這就叫絕對值了.. 09/07 19:23.
MATLAB 中绝对值符号如何编辑_百度知道 abs(SHU).
matlab 求绝对值法_百度知道 我帮楼上补充完整 [m,n]==find(abs(A)>3) %括号内是条件 %m,n分别是满足的元素 所在行和列.
matlab 如何求一个矩阵所有元素的绝对值的和_百度知道 设这个矩阵是a,abs(a)是把所有元素取绝对值,记做a=abs(a)然后sum(a)是对 矩阵所有列求和,记做b=sum(a),然后再用次sum(b'),也就是b的转制求 ...