BCC-16 (in Chinese) 計算機概論十六講 Tutorial -- Matlab 矩陣的合併 Matlab 函式的拓展設計 sin((1:8)/(4*pi)) 取整數 round( ) fix( ) floor( ) ceil( ) 積與和 sum( ) prod( ) 矩陣的對應元計算 .* ./ .^ 善用 Matlab 函式 製圖--折線圖 ...
MATLAB 指令集 - ECAA, NTU MATLAB 指令集 (詳細應用及語法請利用 HELP 查詢) .c.14.8 Summary of MATLAB Functions A summary of the MATLAB functions are given in the following. The information can be obtained directly from MATLAB using the Help option. .c2.14.8.1 Color (Color Control and Lighting Mode
MATLAB如何求一个矩阵所有元素的平均值- MATLAB 基础讨论- MATLAB中文 ... 给出一个矩阵,如何求它的平均值[ 本帖最后由mooni 于2009-5-22 15:27 编辑] MATLAB如何求一个矩阵所有元素的平均值,MATLAB中文论坛.
[運算] 關於矩陣平均值的計算- 看板MATLAB - 批踢踢實業坊 請教各位我現在有一個矩陣A如下1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 我想要對第二行是相同數值的 第一行數值做平均也就是我想要得到MEAN([1,2,3])以及MEAN([1 ...
MATLAB中均值、方差、均方差的计算方法_牛牛_新浪博客 2007年6月7日 ... Matlab函数:mean. >>X=[1,2,3]. >>mean(X)=2. 如果X是一个矩阵,则其均值是一个 向量组。mean(X,1)为列向量的均值,mean(X,2)为行向量的均值 ...
Average or mean value of array - MATLAB mean This MATLAB function returns the mean of the elements of A along the first array dimension whose size does not equal 1. ... Dimension to operate along, specified as a positive integer scalar. If no value is specified, then the default is the first array d
Average or mean of matrix elements - MATLAB mean2 This MATLAB function computes the mean of the values in A. ... mean2 Average or mean of matrix elements collapse all in page Syntax B = mean2(A) gpuarrayB = mean2(gpuarrayA) Description B = mean2(A) computes the mean of the values in A.
MATLAB, part II Simple data summaries – mean, variance, etc Built into Matlab are functions for simp Introduction to Matlab II 1 MATLAB, part II Simple data summaries – mean, variance, etc Built into Matlab are functions for simple data analysis. They include, mean, median, var, std (standard deviation), cov (covariance matrix), min, max, etc. The defaul
What does the following colon (:) mean in MATLAB syntax? - Stack Overflow a = imread('autumn.tif'); a = double(a); [row col dim] = size(a); red = a(:, :, 1); green = a(:, :, 2); blue = a(:, :, 3); What does the colon : in the last three lines mean? (The above snippet ...
Mean-Squared Displacement (MATLAB) - Stack Overflow Please can you help me understand how to calculate the Mean-Squared Displacement for a single particle moving randomly within a given period of time. I have read a lot of articles ...