MATLAB - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This code, excerpted from the function magic.m, creates a magic square M for odd values of n (MATLAB function meshgrid is used here to generate square matrices I and J containing 1:n). [J, I] = meshgrid (1:n); A = mod (I ...
MATLAB R-link - File Exchange - MATLAB Central File Information Description A COM based interface that allows you to call R functions from within MATLAB. The functions are: openR - Connect to an R server process. evalR - Run an R command. getRdata - Copies an R variable to MATLAB. putRdata - Copies ..
ALGOholic – A Coder's Blog - matpy – call Python from MATLAB Hello everyone! If you ever wanted to call Python from MATLAB, here goes something for you. Today I’d like to present matpy – a MATLAB extension for accessing Python. It is more or less an equivalent to pymat but the other way around. At the moment it’s f
FAQ - MATLAB Wiki This is a list of frequently asked questions (with answers) pertaining to MATLAB. Back to top ... Introduction, Policy, Credits Edit Back to top What is MATLAB? Edit MATLAB is a commercial software package written by MathWorks. Quoting from their web page
MATLAB script and function M-files - TheCAT - Web Services Overview MATLAB: Script and Function Files Lecture 19 MATLAB Script Files A MATLAB script file (Called an M-file) is a text (plain ASCII) file that contains one or more MATLAB commands and, optionally, comments. The file is saved with the extension ".m". When the
MATLAB:User-defined Function - PrattWiki MATLAB has a feature that lets you create a user-defined function inside a text file. The file itself will determine how many inputs the function can accept, what they are called locally, how many outputs can be returned, and what they are called locally.
Matlab 4 of 4 Function Handles and fplot - YouTube A short Matlab tutorial (part 4 of 4). In this part, I define a function using a function handle and then plot it using the fplot function. Prepared by Willi...
Call Python from MATLAB - MATLAB & Simulink Example These examples show how to use Python® language functions and modules within MATLAB®. ... Call a Python Function to Wrap Text in a Paragraph MATLAB has equivalencies for much of the Python standard library, but not everything.
What can MATLAB do that R cannot do? - Stack Overflow I often hear people complain how expensive MATLAB licenses are. Then I wonder why they don't just use Octave or R. But is the latter right? Can you use R to replace MATLAB?
Matlab and R - Here is an example on how to use the R function xor(): > # R demonstration > x1 - 3 > x2 - 8 > y1 - 9 > y2 - 10 > xor(x1>x2, y1=y2) [1] TRUE The R operators & and | are elementwise and and or operators: > # R demonstration > c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE) & c .