MATLAB - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This code, excerpted from the function magic.m, creates a magic square M for odd values of n (MATLAB function meshgrid is used here to generate square matrices I and J containing 1:n). [J, I] = meshgrid (1:n); A = mod (I ...
Solving Engineering Problems Using MATLAB C API - CodeProject hi please help me, I use the PDB matlab(Bioinformatics Toolbox) for read information of protein code matlab is: a=pdbread('c:\1ASY.pdb') for i=1:length(a.Model.Atom) x(i)=a.Model.Atom(i).X y(i)=a.Model.Atom(i).Y z(i)=a.Model.Atom(i).Z c(i)=a.Model.Ato
Vincent's 生活世界: Matlab 呼叫C 寫成的function 2008年10月15日 - 要在Matlab 中呼叫C 寫成的function,首先要先設定compiler。在Matlab 下編譯C/ C++ 函式庫的指令為mex ,但在使用mex 之前,必須先設定編譯器 ...
Call MATLAB Functions from C and C++ Applications ... - MathWorks The program engdemo.c, in the matlabroot/extern/examples/eng_mat folder, illustrates how to call the engine functions from a standalone C program.
Call MEX-File Functions - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks A MEX-file is a function, created in MATLAB, that calls a C, C++, or Fortran subroutine. To call a MEX-file, use the name ...
Create C Source MEX-File - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks This example shows how to write a MEX-file to call a C function, arrayProduct, in MATLAB using a MATLAB matrix. ... Executable Fortran MEX-Files · Call ...
ALGOholic – A Coder's Blog - matpy – call Python from MATLAB Hello everyone! If you ever wanted to call Python from MATLAB, here goes something for you. Today I’d like to present matpy – a MATLAB extension for accessing Python. It is more or less an equivalent to pymat but the other way around. At the moment it’s f
FAQ - MATLAB Wiki This is a list of frequently asked questions (with answers) pertaining to MATLAB. Back to top ... Introduction, Policy, Credits Edit Back to top What is MATLAB? Edit MATLAB is a commercial software package written by MathWorks. Quoting from their web page
MATLAB script and function M-files - TheCAT - Web Services Overview MATLAB: Script and Function Files Lecture 19 MATLAB Script Files A MATLAB script file (Called an M-file) is a text (plain ASCII) file that contains one or more MATLAB commands and, optionally, comments. The file is saved with the extension ".m". When the
MATLAB:User-defined Function - PrattWiki MATLAB has a feature that lets you create a user-defined function inside a text file. The file itself will determine how many inputs the function can accept, what they are called locally, how many outputs can be returned, and what they are called locally.