香港新浪網 - 字典 - marker marker pen 記號筆 回頁首 marker 英漢雙解計算機詞典 1. In computer graphics,a symbol with a recognizable appearance that is used to identify a particular location. 在計算機圖形技朮中,一種用來標識特定位置的可識別特徵的一種符號 ...
Marker USA | Home Binding Quicklinks Royal Family Tour Performance Race Junior New XCELL Competition Technology Innovative New Race Bindings. Download PDF New Lord S.P. The only non-tourable binding for BOTH alpine and AT boots. Climb Higher The DUKE with ...
Marker | Define Marker at noun 1. a person or thing that marks. 2. something used as a mark or indication, as a bookmark or tombstone. 3. a person who records the scores, points, etc., as in a game or contest. 4. a counter used in card playing. 5. Genetics. genetic marker. 6. Psyc
Openfind P-Marker Cloud 個資盤點服務 網擎資訊以擅長的搜尋引擎技術為基礎,獨家推出可精準辨識個資的雲端服務!如中文姓名、中文地址、市話、手機、住址、電子郵件、身分證、信用卡卡號等個資法規定的個資項目皆可自動掃描並產生詳細明細報表!全數一氣呵成,使用者毋需自行下 ...