vista錄電腦裡的聲音 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 我已經試過別人回答的方法 啟用立體聲混音 那個之前試了還是不能錄然後有次系統還原之後用同樣方法 就可以錄了現在又沒辦法錄了這是怎麼回事?
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"Stereo-Mix" Audio Input? | Apple Support Communities Is there a way to have some sort of stereo mix audio input. Like an input that ... Mac OS X (10.4.8) mLan:01x/i88x; DP 5.1, Cubase SX3, NI Komplete, Melodyne.
Missing Stereo Mix in Audacity on a Mac - Audio/video stream ... Now i downloaded audacity on my Mac and i am trying to record something using stereo mix. When I go to the thing at the top that says Default ...
pc & mac吸音大法 - 個人新聞台 - PChome 2009年12月27日 - 各位看到mac機的像杯子的孔沒,就是輸入孔,就是插這邊 ... 這個項目,然後再勾選下面的「Stereo Mix」這個東西(有些電腦會顯示「立體聲混音」,請 ...
Tutorial Stereo Mix MAC OSX Português Audacity(Stereo ... Tutorial que ensina fazer gravação no macbook usando função Stereo Mix.
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Stereo Mix for Mac? - Apple - Whirlpool Forums Hey Guys, I want to try and play music for my friend through skype, I don't want to use my macs microphone as thats crap quality. Is there anyway to route sound.
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