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Mac user reports on freeware VM VirtualBox Mac owner feedback on using freeware VM VirtualBox. Includes comments from users of Parallels Desktop. Updated with reports on using Virtualbox 4 with 2011 Macs running OS X Lion. ... (added 6/18/2012, from 6/11 mail) "VirtualBox 4.x report I use VirtualB
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Working OS X 10.9 Mavericks VMware Image For Windows OS and ... Follow these steps to download and install working OS X 10.9 Mavericks pre installed .... its in the path in the torrent as follows “VMware Unlocker – Mac OS X ...
Lion OS X 10.7.4 Pre Installed VMware Image For Intel - Sysprobs If you are interested in running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 or 10.7.4 on a Intel PC by using VMware workstation, then this guide will be helpful. Using pre installed ...