Apple - OS X Mavericks - 全新 app 與功能可進行更多作業 Mac 作業系統專為輕鬆易用而設計,以及充分運用內建於每一台我們所打造的電腦之中的技術,所以每個部分都如同你期待的方式運行。OS X 亦搭載強大的 app 作為網頁瀏覽、傳送訊息、設定提醒事項等等。
Apple - OS X Mavericks - Do even more with new apps and features. The new OS X is loaded with new features, apps, and technologies that give you the power to do more. And make your Mac even more energy-efficient. ... We want all Mac users to experience the latest features, the most advanced technologies, and the stronge
OS X 10.9 Mavericks: The Ars Technica Review | Ars Technica The 10th major release, OS X 10.9 Mavericks, is named after an awkwardly plural California surfing spot, finally ending the feline dynasty. But what part of the operating system’s existence is this? The afterlife?
Apple OS X 10.9.2 Mavericks (for Mac) Review & Rating ... 2014年2月26日 - OS X remains the best consumer-level desktop operating system, despite Microsoft's impressive catch-up in Windows 8.1. Newly included apps ...
Apple OS X Mavericks review - Engadget The bottom line is that if you're interested in seeing your Mac work more .... Instantly compare the Apple OS X Mavericks (10.9) side by side with some of the top ...
Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks review | The Verge 2013年10月28日 - Version 10.9 of OS X, called Mavericks, is just a gentle evolution of the Mac operating system Apple's been building for years. It comes with a ...
OS X Mavericks review: Free as in beer | Macworld 2013年10月23日 - Twelve years later, Apple's playing offense. OS X Mavericks (technically version 10.9) launches a new era of Mac operating systems, complete ...
Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks review - CNET 2013年10月24日 - The Good Mac OS X Mavericks brings new apps, streamlines familiar features, and improves power efficiency and battery life for laptop users.
Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks review - Page 2 - CNET Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks review: No reason to forgo this free update ... With Mavericks, you can change your Top Sites by dragging to rearrange them, and you ...
蘋果 Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks 系統官方正式版免費下載與升級 (dmg鏡像+U盤安裝說明)下載 | 異次元軟體世界 在蘋果發佈 iOS 7 正式版,微軟 Windows 8.1 正式版發佈之後,蘋果終於提供最新版桌面作業系統 Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks 的正式版下載了!讓人……