[系統強化] Ram Disk Utility Pro把記憶體當快取磁碟使用 - by iPhone4.TW ... 一般人使用上還不容易把所有的 RAM用光,所以腦筋就會動到這個上頭來:「能不能把多餘的 RAM記憶體,來做為 ...
DuoE的隨手記: [ Mac ] OS X 也有免費的 RamDisk 可以用 ... 了 RamDisk 的好處,系統中沒有 RamDisk 來加速、保護硬碟還真有點怪怪的,隨著標錯價的 Mac mini Server 陸續出貨,這批配有 8G 記憶體的 ...
Ramdisk for Mac - Lihua - 李華 – Lihua.ME Make RAM Disk #,按住 Option 同時單擊運行,使用說明;在 Mac OS X 中設成開機啟動 ... 」~ 「/Volumes/RamDisk」 RamDisk 造成 DropBox 無法啟動 Tags: ramdisk. @ 2012年4月23日, 21:28 沒有評論 « Mac Mini
RAM Disk | Apple Support Communities I have installed 4GB of RAM in a Mac Mini Core 2 Duo - and an iMac Core 2 Duo (and soon a MacBook Pro Core2 Duo) ... Mini and iMac - that each have 4GB installed - but the OS can only use 3GB - so I might need to try this to see if the RAM disk is setup .
RAM disk - Apple Wiki, a wiki about Macs, iPod, iPhone, iPad, iWork, iLife and more Mac Mini Mac Pro iPhones iPhone iPhone 3G iPhone 3GS iPhone 4 iPhone 4S iPhone 5 iPads iPad iPad 2 iPad (3rd generation) iPad (4th generation) iPad mini iPods iPod Classic iPod Nano iPod Shuffle ...
【Mac】Ultra Ram Disk。Mac上也可以記憶體當硬碟用,加速軟體快取能力 :: 綠色工廠 Easylife Blog 這樣的運用在Mac上當然也是可以的,【 Ultra Ram Disk 】 是一套免費的RamDisk工具,若是有需求的人可以參考使用。使用方式算是頗簡單的,設定頁面會顯示目前記憶體的使用狀態,而能使用的大小為「Free」的部分,在下方簡單的輸入「Disk Name」與調整 ...
RamDisk from Power APP Makes Your Mac up to 40 Times Faster And Your SSD Last Longer Price Trackers 15" MacBook Pro 13" MacBook Pro MacBook Air Mac Pro iMac Mac mini iPad Air iPad mini iPhone iPod touch iPod nano iPod shuffle AirPort Wireless Apple TV Apple Displays AppleCare Time Capsule Keyboards & Mice Week's ...
osx snow leopard - Several Issues with my mac mini (mid 2010). Is it RAM? Is it Disk? - Super User I bought my mac mini in March 2011. It's a mid 2010 model with 2.4Ghz and 2GB RAM. It came with SL and I immediately installed BootCamp and upgraded it's memory to two ...
MBA, XCode and ramdisk ? - MacRumors Forums Mac mini Mac Pro MacBook Air MacBook Pro OS X Yosemite Thunderbolt Display Buyer's Guide Forums Register FAQ / Rules Forum Spy Search Today's Posts Mark Forums Read Log Out MacRumors Forums ...
Using a RAM Disk - MacSpeedZone - Mac upgrade and performance information... Using a RAM Disk For the ultimate in a performance boost the simplest and easiest thing you can do is to create a Ram Disk and run software from there. A Ram Disk is set in the Memory Control Panel and is adjustable.