Proxifier - Bypass firewall and proxy, tunnel connections through an HTTPS and SOCKS proxy Screenshots Latest News November 22, 2012 Proxifier v3.21 Windows 8 support for Standard and Portable editions. A few other fixes. October 17, 2012 Proxifier for Mac v2.11 A maintenance update to address stability and performance problems. August ...
IPv6 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 網際網路通訊協定第6版 ( 英文 : I nternet P rotocol v ersion 6 , 縮寫 :IPv6)是網際網路協定的最新版本,用於封包交換網際網路的網路層協議,旨在解決IPv4位址 ...
HiNet 光世代非固定制 用戶端IPv6設定方式說明 用戶端IPv6設定方式說明 中華電信 數據通信分公司 2012 Page 2 連線設定以Windows 7為例 用戶端IPv6設定方式(1/4 ... Linux、Mac OS有支援HiNet 光世代非固定制IPv4/IPv6 雙協定上網嗎?–需確認用戶端所使用Linux作業系統上的 ...
Mac OSX 下使用中研院的tunnel broker - Aar0n Huang 2012年4月30日 - Mac OSX 下使用中研院的tunnel broker 今天[問卦] 中華電信HiNet ... 也能用中研院的tunnel broker: Gentoo Gateway 連中研院的IPv6 Tunnel ...
IPv6 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the latest version of the Internet Protocol (IP), the communications protocol that provides an identification and location system for computers on networks and routes traffic across the Internet. IPv6 was developed by
IPv6 (tutorial) - DD-WRT Wiki Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is a network layer IP standard used by electronic devices to exchange data across a packet-switched internetwork. It follows IPv4 as the second version of the Internet Protocol to be formally adopted for general use. The
牛的大腦 網路、network、系統、system、資訊安全、security、資料庫、database、PHP、Linux、Cisco、資訊相關... ... cisco IPv6 啟用ipv6 routing功能 (config)#ipv6 unicast-routing 需啟用該功能才可轉送ipv6封包 啟用介面的ipv6 (config-if)# ipv6 enable
IPv6 address - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1 IPv6 address classes 2 Address formats 2.1 Unicast and anycast address format 2.2 Multicast address format 3 Presentation 3.1 Recommended representation as text 3.2 Networks 3.3 Address block sizes 3.4 Literal IPv6 addresses in network resource identifi
中研院IPv6 Tunnel Broker系統測試 中研院計算中心與Hexago( )合作測試Hexago的Migration ... Hexago為一家提供IPv4/IPv6轉換機制服務的公司,並負責維運FreeNet6服務 ... 可支援多種作業系統的client,如Windows、Linux、FreeBSD、Mac OS及Solaris等。
Apple Mac OS X IPv6 - IPv6 Intelligence Basic IPv6 functions Overview IPv6 is active by default; it can be manually activated either with the GUI network control panel or on the command line with /usr/sbin/ip6. To start IPv6 on all interfaces: ip6 -a To disable it: ip6 -x To enable clients acce