讓Mac OS X 的字典加入英文翻譯中文功能:加入StarDict 星際 ... 2013年3月28日 - 在Mac OS X 中有內建一個字典軟體,可以讓你很方便地隨時查閱,有點類似Dr. eye 的功能,但是這個軟體雖然設計的不錯,但是卻只有內建英翻英 ...
為你的MAC OSX 的內建字典程式加上"英漢字典"功能@ 新鮮 ... Mac OSX 10.5 有個字典程式,但是只有英英字典,現在我們可使用工具去新增英漢字典,加入osx 的字典程式字庫。 1. 下載mac-dictionary-kit 的DictUnifer這個轉.
Apple - Downloads The newest version of OS X brings new apps to your desktop, adds features you’ll love, and introduces ...
[教學] 增加你的Mac 字典,讓翻譯更快更方便- by iPhone4.TW 其實是有方法可以在Mac 字典中加入英中字典,也可以加入中英字典,如此使用起來即快速又方便。安裝方法如下: 下載mac-dictionary-kit:
Wireless portable pen scanner & translator. WorldPenScan BT is a wireless portable pen scanner and translator. Scan data to Win/ Mac or Android phone/ tablet. ... Multiple Applications Support output formats such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, iWork, email, and browser. So within minutes, you can get
Mac OS dictionary 新增英漢功能- 公共討論區- Confluence 2013年10月18日 - 在Mac OS中,任意的情況下在英文單字上點右鍵,會有"查找"選項。 他是照內建的辭典內容 ... (上圖是已經有載入朗道英漢字典,所以有英漢功能!) ...
給Mac自帶的「辭典」添加英漢字典| 暢想資源 2013年6月19日 - Mac自帶了很好用的「辭典」應用程序,不過程序默認只能英英翻譯,不太實用。今天就教大家在「辭典」裏面添加新的「英漢字典」
WorldPenScan Pro, text scanner integrated with Babylon dictionary WorldPenScan Pro can scan to translate your text into nearly 200 languages ... WorldPenScan Pro is the first-ever pen based translation software which comes with an integrated Babylon dictionary and translation software.
MAC - definition of MAC by Medical dictionary MAC membrane attack complex; complex (see under disease). MAC, 1 abbreviation for membrane attack complex. 2 abbreviation for microcystic adnexal carcinoma. 3 abbreviation for midupper arm circumference. 4 abbreviation for minimum alveolar concentration.
Dictionary (software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Dictionary is an application developed by Apple Inc. as a part of OS X. The application provides definitions and synonyms from various dictionaries, Wikipedia articles and a glossary of Apple-related terms. Dictionary was introduced in OS X 10.4 with the