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Apple - MacBook Air The new MacBook Air features fourth-generation Intel Core processors and all-day battery life, yet it’s still incredibly thin and light. ... Every new Mac comes with better-than-ever versions of iPhoto, iMovie, GarageBand, Pages, Numbers, and Keynote. So
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Apple - MacBook Air - 設計 誠然,MacBook Air 是難以置信的纖薄與輕巧。然而我們也將它設計成威力強大, 能力十足,堅固耐用,使用起來更是享受 ...
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13-inch MacBook Air review | Laptops and netbooks Reviews ... 2014年4月21日 - Apple's often imitated but never bettered ultra-portable laptop puts in a strong, though not faultless, performance with this mid-2013 release, the ...