金牛座 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 金牛座 ( 拉丁語 : Taurus , 天文符號 :♉) 黃道帶 星座 之一,面積797.25平方度,佔全天面積的1.933%,在全天88個星座中, 面積排行 第十七。金牛座中亮於5.5等的恆星有98顆,最亮星為 畢宿五 (金牛座α),視星等為0.85。每年 11月30日 子夜金牛座中心 ...
星座介紹 - Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 它看似是畢宿星團的一員,實際上距離地球只有 65 光年,比畢宿星團要近得多。 金牛座 b 星 ﹝五車五﹞ 1.7 等 金牛座 z 星 ﹝天關﹞ 3.0 等 金牛座 q 星 ﹝畢宿六 ...
AEEA : 詞彙 恆星類: 中子星 中子星的噴流 黑洞 黑洞噴流 類星體 波霎 紅巨星 白矮星 棕矮星 恆星光譜分類 赫羅圖 主序星 色指數 亮星類: 參宿七 畢宿五 天狼星 心宿二 軒轅十四 天津四 河鼓二(牛郎星) 織女星
Pleiades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In astronomy, the Pleiades (/ˈplaɪ.ədiːz/ or /ˈpliː.ədiːz/), or Seven Sisters (Messier 45 or M45), is an open star cluster containing middle-aged hot B-type stars located in the constellation of Taurus. It is among the nearest star clusters to Earth and i
The Pleiades - National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (Arecibo Observatory) Reflection Nebula Several Pleiads appear surrounded by intricate blue filaments of light. This nebulosity is the result of starlight scattering (reflecting) off minute grains of interstellar dust in the vicinity. The dust particles are inside a cloud of m
Messier Object 45 - SEDS Messier Database Known pre-historically. Mentioned by Homer about 750 B.C., by biblical Amos about 750 B.C., and by Hesiod about 700 B.C. The Pleiades, also known as Messier 45 (M45), are among those objects which are known since the earliest times. At least 6 member ...
Messier 45 - M45 - Pleiades - AstroPixels: Home This page contains an image of the M45 open cluster Pleiades from the Messier Catalog of deep sky objects. ... M45 - Pleiades Messier 45 or M45 is an open cluster in the constellation Taurus. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 1.6 and its angular diam
m45昴宿星團 - 相關部落格
The Pleiades M45: Stars and nebulae - SEDS Messier Database IC 1941 03:32.2 +24:26 3St D.S. 202 IC 336 03:38.2 +23:28 Neb Barnard (AN 3253) IC 341 03:41.2 +21:57 Neb Barnard (AN 3253) NGC 1432 P 03:45.8 +24:22 Neb Maia Neb, in M45; Henry NGC 1435 P 03:46.1 +23:47 Neb in M45; Tempel ...
維尼哥哥科學選文03:陳正鵬~冬季大橢圓 七姊妹星團 我們再順著獵戶腰帶三星往上看,可以找到一顆發紅的亮星,這就是金牛座的主星:畢宿五。再繼續向前望去,可以隱隱約約看見一個由許多亮點密集而成的光團,這就是金牛座中非常著名的M45昴宿星團,俗稱『七姊妹星團』。