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Panasonic Lumix DMC-G2 12 (2010) - Amazon Panasonic's Lumix DMC-G2 is a digital, interchangeable lens system camera with a movable LCD that allows for touch-control, and the successor to the award-winning and revolutionary Lumix G1, which was the world's first Micro Four Thirds digital camera. Th
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【單眼】Panasonic 推出微型4/3單眼相機LUMIX G1 - Wisely 的 拍拍照.寫寫字 Panasonic LUMIX G1 主要規格 相機型號:DMC-G1K/G1W/G1 感光元件:微型4/3系統,LiveCmos感測器 有效畫素:1210萬畫素,最大可拍4000 x 3000 (4:3) 拍攝比例:4:3/3:2/16:9 ...
LUMIX Digital Cameras - G Micro System - DMC-G1 - Overview - UK & Ireland 由於此網站的設置,我們無法提供該頁面的具體描述。
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Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1 相機規格、價錢及介紹文章 - (1月24日)曾幾何時講起高倍機款,我們都會想到長炮機,但要體現真正的方便,此類賣相似足單反的長炮看來又未算適合... (1月23日) 2013 年對不少廠商來說,可謂不比 2012 年來得輕鬆。去年的主戰場是推動用家升級全片幅,2013
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Panasonic Lumix G1 Review: Digital Photography Review Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ... Review based on a production Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1