創作發表 - 《LoL英雄聯盟》 - 【S3版本】OP角色介紹-提摩 - MeetGee! 密技Qa網 只是!!!!現在提摩因為裝備的緣故,強化了非常多,而且據個人目前測試而言,AP(魔攻)提摩才OP,AS(攻速) ... 【 LoL英雄聯盟 】 【S3版本】OP 角色介紹-提摩 寄件者暱稱: 朋友的E-mail: (一次最多轉寄給10個朋友,請以 ; 隔開即可 ...
The Most OP AP - League of Legends Community The title was mostly to just get your attention. I'm in need of an AP champion. Currently, only play Lee ...
AP Tristana, Too OP? - League of Legends Community Almost every game I have played with a Tristana, she went AP. Almost every time , I have lost.
Turning AP into OP in the top lane | LoL Esports 4 Mar 2014 ... But the recent nerf to Defensive masteries has inspired some LCS top laners to start dabbling in AP ...
Most OP AP MID carry in the game. - League of Legends Community Most OP AP MID carry in the game. General Discussion.
OP AP Annie, Tibbers FTW! - Annie Guide for League of Legends on ... Ignite/Flash, the natural summoner spells for any AP champ, you can use your flash to scare enemies with an OP ...