Bot Lane Combinations - Support and AD synergy - Mobafire 2013年6月14日 - Bot Lane Combinations - Support and AD synergy. General strategy guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends premiere strategy discussion ...
Tentacling The Bot Lane - Velkoz Support - Vel'Koz Guide for League of Legends on LolKing Arexjamin\'s LoL champion guide for Vel\'Koz - Tentacling The Bot Lane - Velkoz Support ... Magic penetration marks are a requirement for support Ve'lkoz: his high base damage means that it's most efficient to give him penetration and focus on tha
BUILD GUIDE: AD Carry 101 by Chaox - I'll be slowly adding each lane combination bottom onto my generic AD Carry guild, starting with Trist/Ali. If you're blue side, try to get double golems, this will guarantee you level 2. Level 2 is a huge level for Trist/Ali, with headbutt + pulv + ignit
LUCIAN BUILD GUIDE: Lucian ADC Bot Lane - (S4) by Geo Roadrunner - SoloMid.NET - BUILD GUIDE: Lucian ADC Bot Lane - (S4). By Geo Roadrunner - League of Legends Pro Builds and Guides, LoL Streams, Videos, Strategies, Competitive Gaming Community and Secrets from the Pros
Lol Bot Lane Synergy - 影片搜尋
Galio Build Guide - Mid Lane - By Voyboy - League of Legends Guides - LoLPro This build guide for Galio is for mid lane and is by Nillem, a platinum I rated player on the brink to Diamond in League of Legends. AP Galio Mid is an amazing, powerful and tanky champion that does significant AOE damage, has great team utility and team
When to Take Exhaust on Supports Versus Other Summoners | League of Legends LoL - YouTube Watch me Live: Stay connected at: Send any questions to me via YouTube PM! Thumbnail Source:
Katarina Build Guide - Mid Lane - By Tiensinoakuma - League of Legends Guides - LoLPro When playing Glass Cannon Katarina, always go mid. There really isn't any real alternative as you aren't effective at all in the bot lane and Katarina will get massacred by bruisers in the top lane. Focus on using your Qs to last hit, remember that blades
Imaqtpie Demonstrates How To Tumble Through Dragon Wall as Vayne - YouTube Watch Imaqtpie's stream: Visit PC Apple World:
(4.17) Book of Twitchus Christ 2.2 {In-Depth Matchups/Synergy, Item Paths, Ladder Climbing Tips!} - : Since 4.5 summoner heal is a must-have, the movement speed is a pretty major deal, summoner heal never falls off, and it's double useful in a duo lane which Twitch typically is. Heal strategy is similar to barrier strategy except heal can be used to get