How do I sleep for a millisecond in bash or ksh - Server Fault 2013年1月15日 - sleep is a very popular command and we can start sleep from 1 second ... Whatever solution you choose, keep in mind that a shell script won't ...
Linux In The Shell | An exploration of Linux commands in the Bash Shell Linux In The Shell - An exploration of Linux commands in the Bash Shell ... Four columns are displayed here: The username of the user logged in. The terminal the user is logged in on. When the user logged in. The remote host name or X display the user log
after - Linux Command - Unix Command - Linux Operating System, Distributions and Resources Linux / Unix Command Library: after. Learn about its synopsis, description, options, and examples. ... NAME after - Execute a command after a time delay SYNOPSIS after ms after ms ?script script script ...? after cancel id after cancel script script scrip
shell - Windows batch: sleep - Stack Overflow How do I get a Windows batch script to wait a few seconds? sleep and wait don't seem to work (unrecognized command). ... For a pure cmd.exe script, you can use this piece of code that returns the current time in hundreths of seconds.:gettime set hh=%time:
Serial Programming/Serial Linux - Wikibooks, open books for an open world See Serial_Programming:Unix/termios termio / ioctl(2) [edit] See Serial Programming:Unix/termio Serial I/O on the Shell Command Line [edit] Introduction [edit] It is possible to do serial I/O on the Unix command line. However, the available control is lim
How do I get current Unix time in milliseconds using bash? - Server Fault If you are looking for a way to display the length of time your script ran, the following will provide a (not completely accurate) result: As near the beginning of your script as you can, enter the following basetime=$(date +%s%N) This'll give you a start
How do I do a short delay (milliseconds) in a shell script? | Unix ... I need to put a small delay into a shell script. I'm looking for something smaller than "sleep" - a second is way too long. I want to sleep ...
how to use sleep comand for milliseconds? | Unix Linux Forums ... Hi - Ive been after this very same thing today and it looks like you can only use it for seconds. There is a function called nanosleep but it is a "C" ...
Need a loop to sleep for a fraction of second - Unix & Linux 2012年10月12日 - Calling sleep itself will take a few milliseconds. Consider the following, a 1/10,000ths of a second sleep, done 1000 times: time for i in `seq 1 ...
Is it possible to sleep less than 1 sec. in a simple bash script ... Hi, Iam novice to shell scripting. whether it is possible to use sleep to halt the script execution for less then 1 second. normally we use: sleep 1 ...