Shell Script to recursively list files | Programming in Linux The shell script is equivalent to "ls -R" To show what problem may come up in such types of programs, I have taken two versions of the program. In the first version, If file names do not contain spaces or newline character, everything works well. The seco
linux - Can a shell script set environment variables of the calling shell? - Stack Overflow I'm trying to write a shell script that, when run, will set some environment variables that will stay set in the caller's shell. setenv FOO foo in csh/tcsh, or export FOO=foo in sh/bash ...
returning value from called function in shell script - Stack Overflow i want to return the value from a function called in shell script .Perhaps ... A bash function can't return a string directly like you want it to. You can ...
Assign the returned value of a function to a variable in unix shell script The value returned by the function is stored in $? , and is not captured by $() . In other words: testfunction() { k=5; echo 3; return $k; } val=$(testfunction) ...
Return a single value from a shell script function - Stack Overflow Return a single value from a shell script function ... $r contains t or f but also the output of the ls command. I may write ls -1 a* >/dev/null ...
shell script - Returning a value from a bash function - Unix & Linux ... 15 Sep 2013 ... is the return value of the previous command if [[ $valNumResult -eq 1 ]] then : # do ... You cannot return an arbitrary result from a shell function.
Advanced Bash Shell Scripting Guide - Complex Functions and ... bin/bash # Functions and parameters DEFAULT=default # Default param value. .... This mechanism effectively permits script functions to have a "return value" ...
Returning from a function - Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial - A ... 12 Jan 2010 ... From Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial - A Beginner's handbook ... The return command causes a function to exit with the return value specified by ...
Returning Values from Bash Functions | Linux Journal 11 Sep 2009 ... ... to the caller. When a bash function ends its return value is its status: zero for success, non-zero for failure. ... In this way i can call the function in any script position and verify the result.
How to return value in shell script | Unix Linux Forums | Shell ... im using bourne shell. In file scriptA i add a new function, test_return() test_return () { a=1 return $a }