LG 47LX9500 3D LED TV 2010 - YouTube LG 47LX9500 3D LED TV 2010 http://www.benvandijk.nl/3d- led- tv-20... LG47LX9500 De LG 47LX9500 3D LED TV wordt het nieuwe vlaggenschip van LG. Het scherm is 55 inch groot en maakt gebruik van led-backlight waardoor de TV...
LG plans to push LED TV sales, aims to sell 300 thousand units by the end of 2010 - LEDinside LG said it plans to give a push to its LED TV sales by launching more advanced versions of it in 2010 and expects to sell up to 300 thousand units by the end of 2010.Amitabh Tiwari, LG Electronics India Head of Sales, said LED TV is one of the focused are
【趨勢】2010 CES LG發表全球最薄LED電視 6.9mm - C/P值執行長 - PChome 個人新聞台 當去年(2009)底LED背光開始滲透到所有NB、螢幕、電視產品時,我已經看到厚度