Legion Meter - PLX Devices Inc Legion Meter - USB Multi Meter, Charge your Smartphone Up to 92% Faster.
Legion Meter - Kickstarter 2014年5月5日 - PLX Devices is raising funds for Legion Meter - Charge your smartphone 92% faster on Kickstarter! A USB multimeter with integrated OLED ...
Legion Meter review: Check up on your USB chargers ... 2015年1月26日 - Legion Meter will provide everything you could possible want to know about your chargers, all while helping you maximize their potential.
Legion Meter Unboxing and First Impressions - YouTube For more info on the Legion Meter: http://plxdevices.com/product_info.php?id=MOBLLEGIONMETER ...
Legion Meter -加快手機充電92%速度- HWDio 2014年5月10日 - Legion Meter -加快手機充電92%速度- HWDio 一個USB萬用表集成電路的OLED顯示屏設計,加速您的智能手機或平板電腦的充電速度高達92 ...
Legion - The world's most intelligent external backup battery ... Legion - The world's most intelligent external backup battery for all of your ... Legion™ - 5,500mAhNew; Legion™ - 11,000mAhNew; Legion™ MeterNew ...
User Manual Legion Meter USB - PLX Devices Inc Resettable Battery Capacity Counter. 5. Dynamically Switchable Apple and Android Charge Accelerator. 6. Compatible with all USB Ports. 1. Legion Meter Unit.
Legion - The world's most intelligent external backup battery ... Legion™ - The world's most intelligent external backup battery for all of your ... Meters: Voltage, Current (in/out), Power, Actual Capacity, Charge Status, ...
令USB 充電快近一倍的小工具Legion Meter - UNWIRE.HK 2014年5月10日 - 這個名為Legion Meter 的工具不需要額外安裝什麼軟件,只要插在任何的USB 插口上,再把要充電的裝置插在上面就可。外型像是USB 手指 ...
Legion Meter: iPhone and Android fast battery charger | BGR 2014年5月23日 - PLX Devices' Legion Meter is a tiny USB dongle currently raising money on Kickstarter that will help you charge your iPhone or Android ...