Lead time - 財經百科 - 財經知識庫 - MoneyDJ理財網 Lead time。 Lead time是指完成一個程序或作業所需要的一段時間。舉個例子來說,A成品需要由3個B與2個C半成品所組成,當3個B和2個C到達生產現場時需要一個單位的 ...
Lead Time - 南台科技大學知識分享平台: EshareInfo 專題討論報告 指導教授:王鵬森教授 班 級:碩研工管一甲 學 號:M9550225 姓 名:陳祥林 An Analytical Determination of Lead Time With Normal Demand ...
lead time是什麼意思_英語線上翻譯_lead time的翻譯、含義、讀音、用法、參考例句_滬江小D英語翻譯 滬江小D英語線上翻譯是免費英語線上翻譯網站,提供 lead time是什麼意思, lead time的翻譯, lead time的音標與發音, lead time的含義及用法,以及 lead time的參考例句,解析 lead ...
鼎新知識學院-ERPII知識數位內容網 前置時間( Lead Time) 學者Silver, E. A. and R. Peterson將 前置時間定義為:「從訂貨開始到貨品上架滿足顧客需求的 時間」。一般而言, 前置時間可經由付出額外的費用來縮短,所需要付出的成本可包括管理成本、運輸成本及供應商提高生產...
Lead Time Definition | Investopedia The amount of time that elapses between when a process starts and when it is completed. Lead time is examined closely in manufacturing, supply chain ...
What is lead time? - BusinessDictionary.com Definition of lead time: Number of minutes, hours, or days that must be allowed for the completion of an operation or process, or must elapse before a desired ...
What is production lead time? definition and meaning Definition of production lead time: Period between receipt of an order and until when it is available for packing or shipment.
What is manufacturing lead time? definition and meaning Definition of manufacturing lead time: Total time required to manufacture an item, including order preparation time, queue time, setup time, run time, move time, ...
What is Lead Time? definition and meaning Definition of lead time: The amount of time between the placing of an order and the receipt of the goods ...
Lead Time Definition | Investopedia - Investopedia - Educating the world about finance The amount of time that elapses between when a process starts and when it is completed. Lead time is ...