煙波大飯店-新竹湖濱館 地址:新竹市明湖路773號電話:03-520-3188 新竹湖濱館臨近台灣八大名湖之一的 青草湖畔,擁有歐風綠意的廣大花園與香榭、麗池、溫莎三館不同風格、共377間客房 ...
煙波大飯店-新竹都會館 地址:新竹市民生路177號電話:03-542- 7777 新竹都會館位於新竹市中心,交通 便利,距新竹火車站約5分鐘車程、巨城 購物 ... 客服信箱:metropolis@lakeshore. com.tw.
煙波大飯店-連鎖官方網站 煙波大飯店連鎖服務據點位於新竹、花蓮、 蘇澳、台南等地區,分別具有休閒渡假、 ...
全館介紹 - 新竹煙波大飯店Lakeshore Hotel Hsinchu 新竹煙波大飯店座落於全省七大名湖之一的青草湖畔,四周群山環抱,綠草如茵, ...
煙波大飯店都會一館 The first world-class steakhouse in Hsinchu area is located on the first floor of the Lakeshore Hotel Metropolis I where the finely selected best food and beef are ...
煙波大飯店-花蓮館 地址:花蓮市中美路142號電話:03-8222- 666 花蓮館位於綠樹成蔭的中美路上、美 ...
Chicago Lake Shore Hotel Hyde Park & McCormick Place The Chicago Lake Shore Hotel is 10 minutes from downtown Chicago and near University of Chicago. McCormick Place Convention Center is close and transportation is available. This Hyde Park hotel offers free parking for our guests!
Lakeshore Hotel & Apartments Lakeshore Hotel and Apartments was opened 9 years ago and is under private ownership. It is a boutique hotel, located on the shore of the Gulshan / Banani lake in a quiet and safe area of Gulshan 2. From Lakeshore Hotel you can reach banks, offices of ...
lake shore hotel - 相關部落格
Lake Tahoe Hotels - 3 Peaks Hotel A cabin style hotel property that offers lodging with a mountain vacation experience. Includes virtual tour, rates, and Lake Tahoe vacation ski packages.