Microsoft Kinect - Microsoft SDK - Unity3D Bringing the Kinect SDK in to Unity Install the Unity Package The pre-built Unity package ( Kinect ...
Download Kinect for Windows SDK v1.7 from Official Microsoft ... 12 Mar 2013 ... The Kinect for Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) enables ... Kinect for Windows SDK v1.7.
Kinect for Windows 開發 - MSDN - Microsoft 2011 年6 月所提供下載的SDK 為Beta 版,目前提供用於non-commercial (非商業 用途),例如:研究、展示、開發測試、教學 ...
[Kinect SDK] 建立支援Kinect的WPF應用程式(一) - 取得攝影機拍攝的畫面 - Ouch@點部落- 點部落 上次跟大家分享了如何在Windows 7裡面使用Kinect,也順便介紹了幾個Kinect SDK中內建的小範例。不過,身為一個稱職的工程師,想要自己也動手來寫一個,是很合理,也很合邏輯的。 所以,這次就來跟大家分享如果自己撰寫支援Kinect的應用程式喔!!這次 ...
Msdn forums - Kinect for Windows v1 SDK Hello and please take a moment to review our Kinect for Windows Forum Guidelines Specific K4W Forum Rules of Conduct Forums are moderated and if you feel that a post is in violation please “Report As Abuse” Suggest or mark posts as answered so that others
Kinect for Windows SDK - Microsoft Find videos, downloads, and docs to help you start developing Kinect for Windows solutions that respond to a user's voice and gestures.
Kinect for Windows SDK - Microsoft The Kinect for Windows software development kit (SDK) 2.0 enables you to create ... these downloads and documents to develop Kinect for Windows v2 apps:.
Downloads and documents for Kinect developers These resources will help you get the most out of your Kinect for Windows v2 sensor. The Kinect for Windows software development kit (SDK) 2.0 enables you to create commercial or Windows Store apps and experiences that support gesture and voice recognitio
How To Use Kinect Face Tracking SDK - CodeProject This article describes how to use Kinect's Face Tracking SDK in your Windows application; Author: nsmoly7; Updated: 31 May 2012; Section: Libraries; Chapter: Platforms, Frameworks & Libraries; Updated: 31 May 2012
Kinect Sdk - 影片搜尋