在 WIndows 上安裝 Kinect(含 MMD 使用 Kinect 簡易教學) | Heresy's Space 前一篇文章有大概介紹過微軟的 Kinect 這個新東西了~它的深度攝影機、以及他的衍伸應用,在最近也算是已經被…
Kinect for Windows | Voice, Movement & Gesture Recognition Technology Kinect for Windows supports movement, voice, and gesture recognition technology for application development. Buy the Kinect sensor or download the SDK. ... Communicate with computers naturally Kinect for Windows gives computers eyes, ears, and a brain.
Kinect for Windows SDK 官方中文開發教學影片 | Heresy's Space 官方的網頁是《Kinect for Windows 開發》。在這邊,微軟除了提供一份簡單的投影片(link)和… ... 說實話,看不太懂你的問題。 Kinect for Windows SDK 本身就可以 ...
微軟發佈Kinect for Windows SDK 1.7 - Microsoft (2013 年03 月21 日,台北) 微軟Kinect for Windows 團隊發佈了免費軟體開發套件 SDK 1.7 版本,這是微軟自2012 年2 月 ...
Kinect for Windows | Voice, Movement & Gesture Recognition ... Kinect for Windows supports movement, voice, and gesture recognition ... Kinect for Windows v2 sensor and SDK,
Kinect for Windows SDK - Microsoft 17 Sep 2013 ... Get Started by checking out videos of Kinect for Windows implementations, our basic documentation, ...
Download the Kinect for Windows SDK - Microsoft The Kinect for Windows SDK enables you to use C++, C#, or Visual Basic to create applications and experiences that ...
Installing and Using the Kinect Sensor (Kinect Windows SDK) - YouTube This video covers the basics of installing and using the Kinect sensor. You may find it easier to follow along by downloading the Kinect for Windows SDK Quickstarts samples and slides. * [02:34] Overview of Kinect Sensor *...
Developer SDK, Toolkit & Documentation | Kinect for Windows Download the latest Kinect for Windows SDK and developer toolkit to develop applications that harness voice, motion, and gesture recognition technology. ... Develop with Kinect for Windows The Kinect for Windows v2 sensor gives developers more of the prec
Kinect SDK and Driver for Windows 7 Official Download « My Digital Life Want to use your Kinect motion sensor with Windows PC? Microsoft has officially released Kinect for Windows SDK, initially as beta version, which comes complete with APIs, sample code, and drivers. Kinect is a very popular gaming peripheral for XBox 360,