Kinect for Windows SDK 官方中文開發教學影片 | Heresy's Space 官方的網頁是《Kinect for Windows 開發》。在這邊,微軟除了提供一份簡單的投影片(link)和… ... 說實話,看不太懂你的問題。 Kinect for Windows SDK 本身就可以 ...
Kinect SDK and Driver for Windows 7 Official Download « My Digital Life Want to use your Kinect motion sensor with Windows PC? Microsoft has officially released Kinect for Windows SDK, initially as beta version, which comes complete with APIs, sample code, and drivers. Kinect is a very popular gaming peripheral for XBox 360,
Microsoft Kinect - Microsoft SDK - Unity3D Bringing the Kinect SDK in to Unity Install the Unity Package The pre-built Unity package ( Kinect ...
Kinect for Windows 開發 Kinect 這個劃時代的體感操控技術,身為開發人員的你,可利用 Kinect for Windows SDK 搭配 Visual Studio 2010 ...
讓 OpenNI 可以透過微軟 Kinect SDK 讀取 Kinect 的資料! | Heresy's Space 基本上,「kinect-mssdk-openni-bridge」是一個非官方、讓 OpenNI 可以相容於 Microsoft 的 Kinect for Windows SDK 的第三方套件;雖然目前還不算完整,但是也還算是可以用了。而能有這樣的東西,基本上也算是 open source 的社群所賜了!
Download Kinect for Windows SDK v1.8 from Official Microsoft Download Center The Kinect for Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) enables developers to create applications that support gesture and voice recognition, using Kinect sensor technology on computers running Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows Embedded ...
Msdn forums - Kinect for Windows v1 SDK Hello and please take a moment to review our Kinect for Windows Forum Guidelines Specific K4W Forum Rules of Conduct Forums are moderated and if you feel that a post is in violation please “Report As Abuse” Suggest or mark posts as answered so that others
Download Kinect for Windows SDK Beta 2 from Official Microsoft Download Center The Kinect for Windows SDK beta provides hobbyists and researchers with the tools to develop non-commercial applications that run on the Kinect for Xbox 360. ... Windows 7 Windows 8 Developer Preview (September 2011 Build) Hardware Requirements
Download This is the second of two tutorial sessions about the Kinect for Windows SDK. Stewart Tansley chairs this session at Faculty Summit 2011. In this tutorial, Eric Rudolph and Carlos Garcia Jurado Suarez of Microsoft Research look more closely at how develop
Microsoft.Kinect Namespace Name Description AudioBeam Represents an audio beam. AudioBeamFrame Represents an audio beam frame. AudioBeamFrameArrivedEventArgs Provides data for the FrameArrived event. AudioBeamFrameList Represents a collection of AudioBeamFrame objects.