Start Get Started by checking out videos of Kinect for Windows implementations, our basic documentation, blog articles, and Kinect events. The SDK, docs, and Toolkit are free, but the Kinect for Windows sensor must be purchased.
Downloads/Docs The Kinect for Windows SDK enables you to use C++, C#, or Visual Basic to create applications and experiences that support gesture and voice recognition by using the Kinect for Windows sensor and a computer or ...
Kinect for Windows SDK / 硬體正式推出! | Heresy's Space 之前微軟預告過、會在 2/1 推出真正為了 Windows 而設計的 Kinect for Windows 硬… ... 雖然新的正式版 SDK 基本上還是可以用在舊的 Kinect for Xbox 360 的硬體上,但是微軟是非常不建議這樣使用;如果要發布的話,微軟也僅有授權使用在新的 Kinect for ...
Unity and the Kinect SDK | Coding4Fun Kinect Projects | Channel 9 I would NOT recommend installing the Kinect for Windows SDK from any other source than Microsoft and so ...
OpenCV with Kinect - Windows SDK - Unity3D What is OpenCV? OpenCV is a library for Computer Vision - it is a standard library that simplifies many ...
kinect + unity - Unity Answers Hi, I'm new in the Unity's world and for the Kinect + unity I've followed a easy tutorials, and basically ...
Kinect for Windows SDK Skeleton NotTracked - Unity Answers I'm use Windows SDK (V1.7) KinectWrapper for unity, In Play Mode, I can see my Skeleton is ALL Ok, and In ...
Microsoft Kinect - Microsoft SDK - Unity3D Bringing the Kinect SDK in to Unity Install the Unity Package The pre-built Unity package ( Kinect ...
Kinect 開發學習筆記之(一)Kinect 介紹和應用 Kinect for Windows SDK 的普及可能會更快,但在更高層次的應用上,對二者 的選用往往是需要一定智慧的 ... 上,對二者 的選用往往是需要一定智慧的。 ...
Kinect for Windows 開發 Kinect 這個劃時代的體感操控技術,身為開發人員的你,可利用 Kinect for Windows SDK 搭配 Visual Studio 2010 ...