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HKU SPACE - HKIAAT Professional Bridging Examination Preparatory Programme: Paper I PBE Financial Ac HKU SPACE offers the HKIAAT Professional Bridging Examination Preparatory Programme: Paper I PBE Financial Accounting -- We offer this exam preparatory course for the Accredited Accounting Technician Examination of HKIAAT in June 2015. Students ...
HKU SPACE - HKIAAT Professional Bridging Examination Preparatory Programme: Paper II PBE Management HKIAAT Professional Bridging Examination Preparatory Programme: Paper II PBE Management Accounting and Finance 香港財務會計協會專業晉階考試備試課程 卷二 管理會計 AC 41-099-82-31 (41) Start Date: To be advised Next intakes: 09 ...