日本新幹線票價相關網站 一般的車票價3000 + 新幹線特級票價3000 + grenn seat'$ 3000= 9000(這就是新幹線的『商務艙』票價) ... 回复: JR西日本新幹線車資計算疑問? - 2014-07-09, 16:53 日本的車票都是乘車券+ 附加票券 乘車券只有始發站和價格,在這個 ...
(3)教學文│JR新幹線車票預訂(えきねっと) @ (。 ‿ 。) 紫羅蘭の記憶拼圖 X 美味關係 :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌 (。 ‿ 。) 紫羅蘭の記憶拼圖 X 美味關係 用有限的生命,去發現無限的美景!旅行~是這輩子的宿命 ~(´ε` ) 紫羅蘭已考取中華民國導遊合格執照,若有國內帶團或旅遊&住宿相關採訪活動等邀約合作,歡迎請發私信至:【slhs7163@gmail.com】
JR-EAST:Guide Maps for Major Stations (Tokyo Station) Guide Map for Tokyo Station. ... Enjoy unlimited travel on JR East Shinkansens and limited express trains.
JR 新幹線(綠車廂)放置大行李箱提問? [日本綜合]各位經驗豐富的包友:我們3位大人持JR PASS七日(綠色卡),要從大阪~青森~東京~大阪,請問在綠車廂裡,有無放置約25吋,中行李箱的置物架,我知背包可放在頭上行李架,但是大的行李箱,該放在那裡?(拍謝第一次搭新幹線!)^o)...
JR KYUSHU RAILWAY COMPANY | 列車介紹 - 九州旅客鉄道株式会社 新800系列 座椅設計 正因為是超高速飛馳的新幹線,所以設計了明亮舒適的車內空間。用傳統紡織技術製成的布料和真皮製成的座椅多種多樣,使旅客不會感到單調。座椅共有6種,均可 ...
Tohoku Shinkansen | Route & Maps | JR-EAST The longest of the JR East Shinkansen lines, the Tohoku Shinkansen went into service in 1982. Currently running between Tokyo and Shin-Aomori, the Tohoku ...
Joetsu Shinkansen | Route & Maps | JR-EAST Joetsu Shinkansen service began in 1982, linking the Pacific seaboard side of Honshu with the coast bordering the Sea of Japan. Departing from Tokyo and ...
Akita Shinkansen | Route & Maps | JR-EAST The Akita Shinkansen Komachi debuted in 1997, running from Tokyo to Akita with stops along the way such as Sendai and Morioka. Interspersed along the ...
Yamagata Shinkansen | Route & Maps | JR-EAST The Yamagata Shinkansen Tsubasa began service in 1992, and operates from Tokyo to Shinjo with stops along the way, including Fukushima and Yamagata.