Journal of Consumer Research - The University of Chicago Press | Home Founded in 1974, the Journal of Consumer Research publishes scholarly research that describes and explains consumer behavior. Empirical, theoretical, and methodological articles spanning fields such as psychology, marketing, sociology, economics, and ...
Journals Home The Journals Division of the University of Chicago Press distributes more than 50 journals and hardcover serials, presenting original research from international scholars in the social sciences, humanities, education, biological and medical sciences, and
汪志堅Chih-Chien Wang, Ph.D: 行銷領域SSCI,2004-2008 ... 至少目前還沒有台灣學者以台灣為研究資料來源,因而登上Journal of Marketing,Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology的例子.
企管系暨運籌所教師升等補充期刊清單 - 運籌管理研究所 《AHCI, SSCI, SCI 之各領域排序前1/3 者與國科會各學門領域A-級以上期刊(中文. 期刊除外)之外》 .... 2 Journal of Consumer Research. 行銷領域. 詳如行銷與電子 ...
SSCI Journal Impact Factor_MGMT_list - Tistory 2.617 (SSCI). POM. 44 International Journal of Strategic Property Management. 2.615 (SSCI). Management. 45 Journal of Consumer Research. 2.590 (SSCI).
Table 1. SSCI top 10 business and management journals ... SSCI top 10 business journals, Impact factor, SSCI top 10 management ... 10, Journal of Consumer Research, 2.043, Journal of Operations Management, 2.042 ...
國立中央大學企業管理學系博士班研究生期刊論文發表要點 發表一篇經指導教授指導且共同發表之SSCI/SCI 期刊論文,且取得博士班學. 籍後在 學修業31 個月(含)以上. 2. 發表三篇經 ...
台灣行銷與消費者行為研究論文在國際頂尖期刊的發表現況 本文整理收錄於SSCI 資料庫的消費者行為期刊,分析過去幾年. (1999-2005 年) .... Consumer Affairs、Journal of Consumer Research、Journal of Retailing、. Psychology ..... evaluations: The moderating effect of consumer expertise, Psychology.
Journal of Macromarketing - Official Site Journal of Macromarketing Journal of Macromarketing (JMK), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, examines important social issues, how they are affected by marketing, and how society influences the conduct of marketing. Though primarily a ...
International Journal of Research in Marketing - Elsevier Impact Factor: 2013: 1.710 The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. © Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2014