[jQ]jQuery.browser.version 在 IE 中版本判斷的 Bug | 男丁格爾's 脫殼玩 [jQ]jQuery.browser.version 在 IE 中版本判斷的 Bug [ 日期: 2009-09-11 | 瀏覽:13,399 | 迴響:2] 這幾天在幫小神童弄作品集時發現 ... < script type = "text/javascript" src = "jquery.js" > < script type = "text/javascript" > $ (function {var userAgent = ; ...
Internet Explorer (IE) version detection in JavaScript 2011年5月15日 - Internet Explorer browser of versions 10 and older can be detected in JavaScript by checking ... The next one runs in IE8, but not in IE7 or IE9+:.
How to enable JavaScript in a web browser? Windows Internet Explorer (all versions except Pocket Internet Explorer) Note To allow scripting on this ...
5+ ways to check IE version using JavaScript/jQuery 2013年2月20日 - 5+ ways to check IE version using JavaScript/jQuery ... ways of making the support of IE versions easier please share and i'll include in the list.
5+ ways to check IE version using JavaScript/jQuery OK, I thought I would bring together every method I know of checking the version of Internet Explorer using JavaScript and jQuery. We all love catering for IE’s needs so if anyone knows of any other ways of making the support of IE versions easier please
javascript - jQuery: check if user is using IE - Stack Overflow How to determine browser version from script. Update : (IE 11 support) function msieversion() { var ua ...
internet explorer - Detect IE version in Javascript - Stack Overflow I want to bounce users of our web site to an error page if they're using a version ... This is my preferred way of doing it. It gives maximum control: First set up your ie ...
internet explorer - Detect IE version in Javascript - Stack Overflow I want to bounce users of our web site to an error page if they're using a version of Internet Explorer prior to v9. It's just not worth our time and money to support IE pre-v9. Users of ...
How to detect IE version using JavaScript The following JavaScript is used to detect the Internet Explorer version 8, 7 or 6. It’s returned -1 if the browser is not Internet Explorer. function getInternetExplorerVersion () ...
performance - IE detect Javascript Version - Stack Overflow Our site is performing poorly on some client machines, we are deployed mostly on IE 7 and IE 8. On another set of clients, and in our environment, the site is fast. I am at a loss ...