JWorld@TW Java論壇 - Java 工作機會 JWorld@TW the best professional Java site in Taiwan 註冊 | 登入 | 全文檢索 | 排行榜 » JWorld@TW » Java 工作機會 所有文章 招募人才-Java相關 招募人才-非Java相關 工作相關甘苦談 自我推薦 案主發包 ...
Java Tutorials - Learn Java Online | Beginners Tutorial for JAVA JDBC JSP JBoss Roseindia is a free online Java tutorials for the beginners and developers who want to learn java and other programming languages like JDBC J2EE Jboss Hibernate. ... Tutorials of Software Programming technologies: Java, JSP, EJB, JDBC, Servlets, Hibernate
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Swing (Java) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Swing is a GUI widget toolkit for Java . It is part of Oracle's Java Foundation Classes (JFC) — an API for providing a graphical user interface (GUI) for Java programs. Swing was developed to provide a more sophisticated set of GUI components than the ear
ZK - Official Site ZK is the leading open source Ajax + Mobile Java Web framework integrating jQuery, Spring, JPA, Hibernate, JavaEE, Grails, Scala and many more. ... ZK - Java Web Framework Write one web application and provide an excellent user experience across desktops
LightAdmin – Pluggable CRUD Administration Java Framework. Best alternative to scaffolding. Simple Java DSL used for administration interface customization public class CustomerAdministration extends AdministrationConfiguration { @Autowired private OrderRepository orderRepository; @Override public ...
JIDE Software - JIDE Desktop Application Framework - A Foundation for Java Desktop Applications JIDE Desktop Application Framework Making a small frame-based Swing application is fairly straightforward. Most developers are comfortable with classes like JFrame and the normal palette of Swing Components. You may even be familiar with our JIDE family o
Luxor XML UI Language (XUL) Toolkit Luxor is a free, open-source XML User Interface Language (XUL) toolkit in Java that includes a ultra light-weight, multi-threaded web server, a portal engine and a template engine. ... In the near future it will be possible to create your UIs using third-
Abbot framework for automated testing of Java GUI components and programs Abbot Java GUI Testing Framework: Record and play back actions to test your Java GUI, suitable for use by developers and QA. ... This overview of the Abbot system will give you an idea of the different system components and how it is used. There is also s
Facelets - JavaServer Faces View Definition Framework Download a release binary from http://facelets.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList. Once downloaded, unzip the project into an appropriate folder. If you are a member of Java.net, you may checkout Facelets from CVS. Make sure you are located in the