efficient-java-matrix-library - A fast and easy to use dense matrix linear algebra library written i External links Java Matrix Benchmark JavaDoc Twitter Download Source Code Groups EJML Discussion Latest Version: 0.25 Released: June 13, 2014 LICENSE CHANGED FROM LGPL to Apache v2.0 Introduction Efficient Java Matrix Library ...
Universal Java Matrix Package Universal Java Matrix Package - A Java Matrix Library for Linear Algebra and High Performance Computations ... Feature List To find out if UJMP is the right choice for you, take a look at the feature list: Matrix classes for different data types
Performance of Java matrix math libraries? - Stack Overflow I'm the author of Java Matrix Benchmark (JMatBench) and I'll give my thoughts on this discussion. There are significant difference between Java libraries and while there is no clear winner across the whole range of operations, there are a few clear leader
Efficient Java Matrix Library - Google Code 13 Jun 2014 ... Efficient Java Matrix Library (EJML) is a linear algebra library for manipulating dense matrices.
java-matrix-benchmark - Google Code Java Matrix Benchmark (JMatBench) is a tool for evaluating Java linear algebra libraries for speed, stability, and ...
fommil/matrix-toolkits-java · GitHub 7 Jul 2014 ... matrix-toolkits-java - Java linear algebra library powered by BLAS and LAPACK.
Linpack Benchmark -- Java Version - The Netlib Notes: The problem solved is a dense 500x500 system of linear equations with one right hand side, Ax=b. The matrix is generated randomly and the right hand side is constructed so the solution has all components equal to one. The method of solution is base
Java Numerics: Main - Mathematics, Statistics and Computational Science at NIST Libraries General Numerics Apfloat is a arbitrary precision floating-point arithmetic package. ArciMath BigDecimal is an extension of java.math.BigDecimal based on IBM's Java Specification Request. Colt is a free Java toolkit containing data structures an
Java 7 What`s New, Performance Benchmark 1.5 1.6 1.7 Java is one of the language which has overhauled it's underneath technology ground-up. Even though, the basic concept of running inside JVM holds good, the way ... - multicatch is not there - null dereferences (elvis operator) are not there - first time I
JScience The most comprehensive Java library for the scientific community. ... October 19, 2011: JScience 4.3.1 Bug fixed version; thanks to Hans-Peter Stoerr October 3, 2007: JScience 4.3/4.4 JavaWorld Article: Introduction to JSR-275: Measures and Units