java - Round a double to 2 decimal places - Stack Overflow 2010年5月11日 - Round a double to 2 decimal places .... double val = ....; val = val*100; val = Math.
round double to two decimal places in java - Stack Overflow 2011年4月19日 - ... 29 down vote favorite. 5. ok this is what I did to round a double to 2 decimal places,
How to round double / float value to 2 decimal points in Java 2010年5月31日 - A Java example to show the use of the Math.round and DecimalFormat class to round ...
Java - round() Method - Tutorials for JFreeChart, Lucene, Selenium, DTD, Powerpoint, T Description: The method round returns the closest long or int, as given by the methods return type. Syntax: This method has following variants: long round(double d) int round(float f) Parameters: Here is the detail of parameters: d -- A double or float pr
round double to two decimal places in java - Stack Overflow ok this is what I did to round a double to 2 decimal places, amount = roundTwoDecimals(amount); public double roundTwoDecimals(double d) { DecimalFormat twoDForm = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); ... ... Your Money class could be represented as a subclass of .
java - How to round the double value to 2 decimal points? - Stack Overflow There's no difference in internal representation between 2 and 2.00. You can use Math.round to round a value to the nearest integer - to make that round to 2 decimal places you could multiply by 100, round, and then divide by 100, but you shouldn't expect
round : Java Glossary - Canadian Mind Products • Canadian Mind Products Java & Internet Glossary : round ... round To take a float or double and want the corresponding integer (possibly as a float, double, int or long) there are five basic algorithms you might use: round, ceil, floor, truncate and cover
Double value to round up in Java - Stack Overflow 2011年1月25日 - readJavaFormatString( at java.lang.Double. ... this instead: double finalValue = Math.round( value * 100.0 ) / 100.0; ...
Java.lang.Math.round(double a) Method Example - Tutorialspoint The java.lang.Math.round(double a) returns the closest long to the argument. The result is rounded to an integer by adding 1/2, taking the floor of the result, and ...
Thread: rounding double to two decimal places - Java Forums is there an easy way to round a double to two decimal places? i.e. 1.98999 would round to 1.99 the math.round method only rounds to nearest ...