日本 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 日本國 ( 日語 : 日本国 / にっぽんこく 、 にほんこく ? 發音 ( 說明 · 資訊 ) )簡稱 日本 ( 日語 : 日本 / にっぽん 、 にほん ? ),是位於 東亞 的一個 島嶼國家 ,領土由 日本列島 (主要為 北海道 、 本州 、 四國 與 九州 4島)和6千多個 ...
中國抗日戰爭 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 而在國際上,出於中立性的考慮,一般將這場戰爭稱作「第二次中日戰爭」(Second Sino-Japanese War )。[注 4] 戰爭背景 [編輯] 參見:大陸政策、牡丹社事件、北京專約、甲午戰爭、九一八事變及滿洲國 日本經過明治維新提高國力後,逐漸走上了 ...
The Japan News - Breaking News from Japan by The Yomiuri Shimbun Breaking News from Japan by The Yomiuri Shimbun ... ジャパン・ニューズが日テレの「ZIP!」に 日本テレビの朝の情報エンターテインメント番組「ZIP!」の名物コーナー「5秒英会話」でジャパン・ニューズが取り上げられます。
Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Second Sino-Japanese War (July 7, 1937 – September 9, 1945), called so after the First Sino-Japanese War of 1894–95, was a military conflict fought primarily between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan from 1937 to 1941. China fought Japan,
Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia, the free ... 跳到 Full scale invasion of China - [edit]. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek announced the Kuomintang policy of resistance against Japan at Lushan on July ...
Japanese invasion of Manchuria - Wikipedia, the free ... ... to: navigation, search. Not to be confused with First Sino-Japanese War#Invasion of Manchuria. ... Republic of China Army Flag.svg National Revolutionary ...
China, invasion of (1931, 1937–1945) - Wiley Online Library China, invasion of. (1931, 1937–1945). GARY J. BJORGE. Japan's invasions of China during the 1930s initiated and then expanded the largest war.
The Bomb Didn’t Beat Japan… Stalin Did | Foreign Policy The Bomb Didn’t Beat Japan… Stalin Did « | Foreign Policy | the Global Magazine of News and Ideas ... Hiroshima bomber: Japan needs nukes Joshua Keating Joshua Keating is associate editor at Foreign Policy and the editor of the Passport blog.
Japan's Economic Expansion into China in World War 2 | HistoryOrb.com Japan's Economic Expansion into Manchuria and China in World War Two. Part 1 of a 3 part series. ... Japan as a have-not country felt the distribution of natural resources in the world was unfair and in Manchuria and China proper saw its opportunity to ri
Mukden Incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Mukden Incident, or Manchurian Incident, was a staged event engineered by Japanese military personnel as a pretext for the Japanese invasion in 1931 of northeastern China, known as Manchuria.[1][2][3] On September 18, 1931, Lt. Suemori Kawamotoa deton