IVT Corporation Empowers Bluetooth Wireless Technology IVT Corporation is the world's leading provider of Bluetooth solutions and Bluetooth products. ... Products BlueSoleil ecosystem provides fast and cost-efficient methods to rapidly integrate Bluetooth into products in order to establish stable Bluetooth c
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陳大龍的胡言亂語...: Bluesoleil免費中文版--千月& win7環境下亂碼解決 2012年9月13日 - Win7的藍芽介面一直都非常的讓人詬病,也沒看他之後有做些什麼改進...所以大家都喜歡使用Bluesoleil這套軟體來增加藍芽設備使用上的方便性~.
蓝牙驱动(BlueSoleil)下载10.0.472.2_蓝牙连接软件- pc6下载站 2014年6月4日 - pc6官方下载为您提供蓝牙驱动(BlueSoleil),BlueSoleil的是一个基于Windows的IVT 的软件,可以启用蓝牙的台式机或笔记本电脑以无线方式连接到 ...
BlueSoleil, the most easy-to-use, innovative and interoperable ... The best Bluetooth driver/Bluetooth software for Vista, Linux, WinCE. ... Bluelet™ Introduction of IVT Bluetooth Host Stack, including Protocol and Profiles.
IVT Corporation Empowers Bluetooth Wireless Technology IVT Corporation is the world's leading provider of Bluetooth solutions and Bluetooth products.
BlueSoleil, the most easy-to-use, innovative and interoperable Bluetooth software, Bluetooth driver The best Bluetooth driver/Bluetooth software for Vista, Linux, WinCE. Easy-to-use, Innovative and Interoperable. Connect with Bluetooth headset, Bluetooth mobile phone, Bluetooth mouse and Bluetooth GPS Receiver etc. Mobile phone tool
BlueSoleil 10 - BlueSoleil - Bluetooth Software,Bluetooth Driver ... BlueSoleil 10 is one of the most popular professional Windows-based Bluetooth applications, developed by IVT with ...