iPod - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The iPod is a line of portable media players designed and marketed by Apple Inc. The first line was released on October 23, 2001, about 8½ months after iTunes (Macintosh version) was released. Its most recent redesigns ...
iPod touch - Buy iPod touch with Free Shipping - Apple Store (U.S.) 16GB iPod touch iPod touch Apple EarPods Lightning to USB Cable 32GB/64GB iPod touch iPod touch iPod touch loop Apple EarPods Lightning to USB Cable Warranty Every iPod touch includes 90 days of free telephone technical support and a one Visit the ...
Apple - iPod touch iPod touch 極為纖薄且色彩繽紛,可播放音樂及影片,盡玩遊戲及 app,進行視像通話,拍攝精彩照片,更可攝錄 HD 影片。 ... 它不只既輕且薄,更將輕、薄提升至另一層次。iPod touch 擁有超薄的鋁金屬機身,置於手中或放在口袋感覺輕如無物。
iPod Touch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Earbuds with an external microphone and controller are compatible with the 2nd-generation iPod Touch, and are shipped with the 3rd-generation iPod Touch devices (excluding the 8 GB model). The only official way to obtain ...
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Apple - iPod touch - 技術規格 閱讀iPod touch 的技術規格,包括尺寸、重量及電池使用時間,並查看所有iPod 機種比較表。
iPod touch - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 跳到 第四代 - [编辑]. 主条目:iPod touch 4. 2010年9月1日,苹果公司全面更新iPod產品線,更新產品包括iPod nano,iPod shuffle及iPod Touch。新产品的長度 ...
Apple - iPod touch - 功能特色 拍張全景照片、讓Siri 更新你的Facebook 近況、播放音樂、和死黨進行視訊通話,還能在遊戲中奮勇殺敵。iPod touch 樂趣滿載。
iPod touch 4 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 螢屏方面,雖然同樣配備最新的3.5英寸的Retina螢屏,但是iPhone 4為大視角的IPS 顯示屏,據稱可視角達到了178°,而同世代iPod touch只要稍稍偏離螢幕中央便會 ...
有關ipod touch 4 相機畫素問題- Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 2011年2月26日 - 您好 這是touch 的攝影機規格 影片拍攝,HD 格式(720p),可達30 每秒影格率(fps) 並具有音訊;機背相機靜態照片可達960 x 720 前端相機可拍攝VGA 品質 ...