JB 越獄工具下載 | iPhone News 愛瘋了 iOS 1.0 ~ 1.1.4 越獄工具下載 (iPhone、iPod touch) ziPhone 3.0 :Windows (備用)、Mac (備用) 越獄相關工具下載 iOS 檔案管理軟體:Windows+Mac CDevReporter:Windows (備用)、Mac (備用) sn0wbreeze:Windows (備用) TinyUmbrella 6.13 ...
iPhone, iPod, iPad and Apple TV Firmware Download iPhone, iPod, iPad and Apple TV Firmware Download (iOS 7 now available!) ... How to restore or update your iPod/iPhone/iPad: After downloading the desired firmware below, you can shift-click (PC) or option-click (Mac) the Restore or Update buttons in ...
iPod Touch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Earbuds with an external microphone and controller are compatible with the 2nd-generation iPod Touch, and are shipped with the 3rd-generation iPod Touch devices (excluding the 8 GB model). The only official way to obtain ...
iPhone4HK - iPod touch (第 3 代) 破解教學 (越獄 Jailbreak JB) 提供 iPod touch 第 3 代最新版本越獄 (JB) 詳細圖文破解教學 ... 本教學將使用 iPhone Dev Team 之 redsn0w_win_0.9.14b2 進行破解, 另有 Mac 版本, 過程相同 必須已安裝最新版本 ...
iOS 6.X 完美JB教學與技巧 (iOS 6.1.3與iOS 6.1.4請看另一篇) @ 瘋先生 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 此分類下一篇: [JB教學]iOS 6.X完美JB教學與技巧,針對 6.1.3、6.1.4、6.1.5適用 「p0sixspwn ... iphone 4的5.0.1已JB 想升級並JB為6.1.2要怎麼做呢? 謝謝!! 在itunes備份,備份完畢後再透過itunes進行升級與回覆 瘋先生 於 2013/03/11 09:54 回覆 ...
Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 Guide for iPhone 4.2.1, iPod touch 4.2.1, and iPad4.2.1 - QuickPWN Does this work with IPAD that is already Jailbroken 3.2.2? If you have a JB Ipad 3.2.2 do you just upgrade to 4.2.1 and follow the instructions above? What happens to Cydia, L1merain, and any other Cydia packages loaded in the 3.2.2 jailbreak? Will this w
iOS 7.1.X 完美JB越獄教學,盤古不只開天地,現在連越獄都會了!(Pangu 1.2.1) :: 綠色工廠 Easylife Blog 又到了 JB 的時候了,老實說現在 JB 沒有以往那麼有激情,不得不說 iOS 逐漸在進步,以前覺得 iOS 不好用的人或許都跑到 Android 了吧?只要對 Cydia 依賴沒有那麼深,我覺得或許真的沒有 JB 的需要了,系統也會... .....
iOS 7 完美Jailbreak (JB) 教學evasi0n7 for iPhone,iPad,iPod touch ... 2013年12月22日 ... 下載Jailbreak (JB) 1.0.2 beta 程式:JB 的程式官方下載網頁,請點我. 步驟二:. 將您 的iPhone、iPad 或是iPod touch 與電腦進行連結,並確認您的 ...
Jailbreak iPod touch 3.1.3 - QuickPWN 4. Install your preferred aplication from the blackra1n app. You have the option of choosing Cydia, Icy, or Rock. I don't recommend you to install them all at once, because that may cause problems. Install them one at a time. Jailbreak iPhone 3.1.3 with P
Download Sn0wBreeze v1.7 – Jailbreak iPod Touch 3G iOS 4 Firmware – iPhoneHeat i have iPhone3GS factory unlocked. at first i was on 3.1.3 with spirit jb. then i upgraded to iOS4 from itunes directly.pls tell me how to jb this iOS 4 on my 3gs.i checked it has oldrom and i hav not saved shsh. i m newbeee to all this pls help iphonehea