iPhone4HK - 破解主機教學 - iPhone4HK - iPhone 香港資訊網 iPhone 4 iPhone 5 iPhone 5c iPhone 3GS iPhone 4S iPhone 5s iPad iPad 3 iPad Air iPad mini iPad 2 iPad 4 iPad mini 2 ...
iPhone 4 Jailbreak We are excited to announce that iPhone 4 Jailbreak & Unlock Solution is available for Download. ... Jailbreak iOS 7 , 6.1.4 , 6.1.3, 6.0 , 5.x.x Jailbreak your favorite iOS 7 device using the latest jailbreak tools & updates 24x7. All iOS 7 supported mode
JailbreakMe 3.0 What's a jailbreak? Jailbreaking your device means installing a small program that removes restrictions in the default software. ... Come back on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to use JailbreakMe. This site is very old by now and does not support recent
iPhone4HK - iPhone 4 破解教學 (越獄 Jailbreak JB) 選取已下載的 "iPhone 4 - 7.0.4 官方韌體" (iPhone3,1_7.0.4_11B554a_Restore.ipsw) * Mac 用家按 "Option" 鍵 正在準備 iPhone 以進行回復 正在回復 iPhone 軟體 正在驗證 iPhone 回復 正在回復 iPhone 韌體 回復完成後等待 iPhone 開啟 無鎖版 (行貨 ...
iPhone 4 iOS 4.2.1 完美破解 (Untethered Jailbreak) 教學 - iOS 主機破解 (越獄) 教學系列 - Gizzomo 香港之 iOS 教學資訊網站 這篇 教學將指導在 iPhone 4 上 破解 (越獄) iOS 4.2.1 的流程, 將使用 Chronic Dev Team 的 GreenPois0n RC6.1 版本為 ...
Jailbreak iOS 4.1 on iPhone 4, 3GS with Limera1n [How to ... 2010年10月10日 - Limera1n has been released for all iOS devices including: iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 4G / 3G, iPad running iOS 4.1, and iOS 3.2.2 ...
Download Limera1n to Jailbreak iOS 4.1 on iPhone 4, 3GS ... 2010年10月10日 - Its here folks! and its real!! Geohot is back big time with limera1n jailbreak for all iOS devices including: iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad, iPod touch ...
Jailbreak iOS 4.1 iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod touch 4G, iPad with ... 2010年10月12日 - Chronic Dev Team has finally released GreenPois0n to the world. You can use it to jailbreak iOS 4.1 on iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 4G ...
How to Jailbreak iPhone 3G iOS 4.1 with RedSn0w - iDownloadBlog 8 Oct 2010 ... This step by step guide and tutorial will show you how to jailbreak your iPhone 3G running iOS 4.1 using RedSn0w for Windows.
iPhone 4 iOS 4.1.0 完美破解(Untethered Jailbreak) 教學 ... 這篇教學將指導在iPhone 4 上破解(越獄) iOS 4.1.0 的流程, 將使用Geohot 的Limera1n Final 版本為破解工具, 並同時支援Windows 及Mac OS X 作業系統. 這篇教學 ...