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iPhone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The iPhone has a minimal hardware user interface, featuring five buttons. The only physical menu button is situated directly below the display, and is called the "Home button" because it closes the active app ...
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Game Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Game Center is an online multiplayer social gaming network released by Apple Inc. It ... Game Center was originally announced on April 8, 2010, and became ...
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iPhone 3G - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The iPhone 3G is a smartphone that was designed and marketed by Apple Inc. It is the second generation of iPhone, and was introduced on June 9, 2008, at the WWDC 2008 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, United States. The iPhone 3G was internally simi
Turn iPhone 3G into 3GS - YouTube Go to Cydia and download: zToggle, Compassf, and Game Center. For Game Center you will need a source if you don't already have it: http://apt.xsellize.com/
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